aptaisia reincarnation

dave green

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Uh-oh... joe's juice mustn't have been properly applied! Any ideas? They've come back! Those bastidges!
Hi Dave. Great meeting up with you last weekend. Hows the urchin doing? As for the aptasia, make sure the Joe's Juice get's into their mouths. If it does not, it needs to be redone. They are quick so you have got to be fast. The ultimate solution though (IMO), is the peppermint shrimp. They will help you out beyond belief. GL
Ive heard that only peppermints out of certain waters will eat aptasia any truth to this that anyone knows of? i need to buy a bunch of these soon who has the right ones in stock?
I tried peppermint, nudi, Joes, Ap X, and the best (also the cheapest) is Mrs. wages picking lime from kroger. Add ro water and make it like wasabi sauce, good to go!
I have 3 peppermint shrimp, and I guess I'm the unlucky one who got the wrong ones? But all mine just sit in one corner, under a rock, swaying back and forth. My aptasia problem has gotten worse, not better. LoL...

I'm off to get some pickling lime tomorrow. And I suggest you do the same.

I got very lucky... the only aiptasia I ever got (on LR when I set up) walked off the rock and decided to live on the sand. About a week later I learned what it was and just dipped it out.

I almost feel bad for telling that story... but if it makes you feel better I did have to sic Mrs.W on 3 Majanos last week.
Surf, urchin seems to be okay - although I don't really know what he should be *doing." :)