Aptasia solutions for Nano


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I’m having a bit of an aptasia issue in my fluval 13.5. I used joes juice on a few bigger ones, which didn’t kill them. Instead they came back with a vengeance and tons of little aptasias have popped up all over. Not great timing with a dino outbreak either.

Would a peppermint shrimp be my best bet here? What about nudis or “renting” a file Fish? I have one clown and a possum wrasse in there now.

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I've actually had success with AptasiaX. Had three aptasias pop up about 2 months ago. One dose of aptasiaX and they're gone. These were babies (like, a few millimeters big) but watching aptasiaX explode them was QUITE satisfying :D
Peppermints can be hit or miss sometimes... It depends on where they are being sourced from. The Caribbean ones will almost always eat aptasia while the pacific ones are more hit or miss. They look the same which doesn't help us any. Some of the stores will sometimes let you throw some aptasia in the tank with the peppermints... and then I just buy the ones that go for it :).
I have always had good luck with Peppermint Shrimp. Sometimes it takes a few days to see an effect. I just keep them as part of my clean up crew.
I keep 3 peppermint shrimp ,1 in the display and 2 in my refugium . Never had a problem since adding them
I have a probrom w aptasia.... I also have a problem when I buy them my wrasse eats the shrimp Aptasiax works best for me
My 2 peppermint shrimp went from almost an infestation to 0 in a matter of days ha dad down the best guys for the job!

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So question....When you run out of aptasia what do you do to feed the peppermint shrimp?
So question....When you run out of aptasia what do you do to feed the peppermint shrimp?

Mine I don’t feed anything they eat a lot of the left over stuff in my tank but I know a lot of people get rid of them once the aphasia is gone but I love mine lol

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Peppermint shrimp are relentless hunters for certain anemone species such as aiptasia. But they are not obligate predators; and can survive on a varied diet, including scavenging. So there’s no need to feed them after they’ve done their initial job.