Aqua C Nano Ramora


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I just got this to put on my NC24. This things isn't really so Nano if you ask me. Going to have to bust out the dremel tonight to get it under the hood. Its impressive looking. I loved the dark smoked acrylic look.
its hard to make a "nano" skimmer and have it be effective. I remember when i was looking thu their line of skimmers and thought the same thing about the nano, tho its supose to skim really well, just like the older siblings :) Give it a good week for it to break in and def let us know how its working for you.
I hate wanting something and not thinking about having to put it on. The middle chamber is now a fuge with live rock and cheato. And now I got to mod the hood so I can get the Nano Ramora. If I go to the left I run into the hinge. I go to the right I block off the light to the fuge. Maybe I'll just dremel out the hinges and just take it on and off for stuff. I don't like the Nano Cube hinges are anyways. Decisions, Decisions. Any other ideas?
if its easy enough, just move the hinge. I dont have a NC nor have i really seen one to know about the parts of it......hope ya get something workin for ya.
Have had mine since August and it works great. Have three small fish and lots of coral. Have really not lost anything since I put in on the back. Mine is not a true cube just a tall 12 gal with no top so it was no problem to add.

I've got too mnay projects going on at once. Between this NC24 that I just got cause it was a great deal and had liverock with it. and the AP24 I got before I found this one on sale I got way too much stuff happening and I got to balance it all out so I don't neglect my 19 month old daughter. My head is spinning.