Aqua UV 15w v. Turbo Twist 9w


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Which one would you use?

I have a friend who is willing to straight up trade his Aqua UV 15w for my turbo twist 9w. Thing is, Im not sure which is better. I know 15w is way more than 9w but if the contact time in the 15w sucks and its way better in the turbo twist then 9w may actually be better.....thoghts?

if you guys can let me know in like the next 20 minutes that would be awesome. Getting ready to plumb.

here are the links (weird thing is the Aqua is rated for up to 75g but the Turbo twist is rated for up to 125)"></a>


I had the Aqua UV w/ wiper leaked. The cost was $$$ to fix, so I purchased the turbo twist. Now, I have two of them on my tanks (although the light on is is burned out, and I'm not replacing it-not adding anymore fish). I really like the turbo twists. No problems, other than bulbs for a long time (few years).
Aqua UV is probably one of the leading brands in home aquarium UV. Look at the prices, and you will see that the AUVs are very pricey.

Also the Aqua UVs are t5 driven as opposed to PC driven. I have been told by several people that the PC UVs are trash compared to the T5 versions, but I do not know personally. I do know that many really nice systems that are installed on homes (drinking water) and commercial aquariums are all t5 driven, but that is probably in part because t5s are available in higher watts.

It does seem like the price of PCs are going up, despite bing a somewhat dated technology, so I would opt for the aqua UV, personally.
An on the rating thing, I would not pay it any attenton. It is just like rating skimmers, it is somewhat of an arbitrary assesment.

Also look at when they rate them, they will really boost up the gallons for a pond as opposed to an aquarium. So the Aqua UV may be rated based on a aquarium, when the Coralife is rated for a pond.
I have a used coralife turbo twist 3x just sitting in my closet if you or friend want i can let go for $40 bulb still good only used a year over a year ago.
Thanks JJ but we already have the units. Thanks for the reviews guys.....Aqua UV it is then. It works out for my friend only because he has a solana so the Aqua UV is huge for the tank. Thats why he is willing to trade straight up.
Yes any T5 driven UV will be far superior to any PC. The Aqua UV is a great choice.