Aquamedic Turbofloat Skimmer


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So I have this turbofloat skimmer that I've been using for 2 years for my 120gal. I think it skims OK. However, I added a Naso Tang a couple months ago and think this pooping machine tipped the bioload scales which is leading to my tank not looking so great. Higher nitrates (was in the 50s, now in the 25-30 range-still not good) and some algae blooms. I added some chaeto courtesy of Cameron to my sump 3 weeks ago. Been doing 20% weekly water changes for like 6 weeks too.

What do ya'll think about the skimmer? It was rated for a larger tank, but I guess you can't follow the specs. Can I add another pump to it or is an upgrade necessary? I hate to part with my new pooping machine Naso. But at the same time, I don't really want to get another skimmer. Any thoughts? Thanks.
i had one on my 95 gal and it worked ok. then i bought a euro-reef which opened my eyes to how much i wasn't skimming from the water.
The Turboflotors are excellent skimmers for the price. I am looking to upgrade my T1000 to the 5000 baby for my new 120.
Ya I have had my 1000 Multi on a heavy stocked 55 and now on my 40gal. I would say a 120 gal might be too bigh for a 1000 multi. Is the one you are using a needlewheel?!? You might want to try to mesh mod it. You might get better results.
I have the Turboflotor 1000 Multi which is supposedly rated for 125 to 250 gallons so at the time of purchase, I thought it would be plenty. But seems like no one has it for more than a 75-90 gal tank. I feel like I've been lied to/robbed. Spent over $275 bucks for this skimmer. Before knowing about these forums, I could only rely on manufacturer specs to make a decision and referrals. Which is how I ended up with this costly mistake.
Ugh! What a major disappointment. Yes, it has the needlewheel. And I have no idea what a mesh mod is? Plus, I'm not very good at modding anything.
You may be able to adjust it some to get better performance. Have you removed the flow reducer located at the input of the OR pump? Are you using the tall or short neck? How close is the (depth) pump to the skimmer input?

Hmm. Tested my nitrates today and it was pretty low, less than 10. Not bad. I vaccumed out my sump of a bunch of accumulated detrius on Sunday and did my usual weekly water change. Maybe the skimmer will work for my tank after all...I didn't remove the flow reducer ( I don't even know what that is), I think I'm using the tall neck, I set it up as if it was to be used as a hang on back skimmer but in the sump. It didn't come with any instructions really so I just put it together based on the pictures. Maybe I'll take a photo and post it. Thanks for your help V.
Since you are up the road, we should be able to mesh mod the thing for ya... I got what I need here in L'Ville... All I need is some fly fishing line. ;)
I have had my T5000 Single for 3 years now. Still performs excellently.

If you want better performance add an Ozone generator.
Here's a link to the owners manual."></a>

Ozone may improve your water quality. Ozone can make your water clearer, raise ORP,... Ozone in your skimmer typically makes the skimmers perform worst IMO not better. The waste collected seems to be far less.

Try the mesh mod, if done right it can greatly improve performance of most skimmer.

I have a modded Octopus NW-200 skimmer for sale that would work better for you. In-sump for $175 I also have a recirc.
The TF is a fine skimmer for under 100g, but over it is pushing its limits. There are better skimmers for larger tanks that are the same or less in price.