Aquarium granuloma


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Just got back from my Dermatologist. I have been diagnosed with
Aquarium Granuloma. Only 100-150 cases diagnosed a year in the U.S.
Wash your hands with antibacterial soap when your done in the tank.
Protect minor wounds with latex gloves. It's going to take up to 10 months
With antibiotics to get rid of this.
Hope you feeling better. There's another member who has problems with a wound getting infected, he documented his case here
That. Freakin'. Sucks. Really sorry to hear that, man. Hope you have a speedy and painless recovery.

Would it be ok to ask if you could maybe give us the storyline so we can better protect ourselves and spread the knowledge? I'm still super new, so it'd be very helpful.
I was stung by a colony of hammer corals about
About two months ago. After a month red and tan
Bumps began to appear under the skin of my right hand.
Intense itching followed along with clear fluid from some of
The bumps beginning to seep from the skin. It is caused by
A bacteria called Mycobacterium marinum. Grows in fresh and
Saltwater aquariums. It is treatable with two
Available antibiotics.
Wow. I love Hammers... I know they aren't what actually caused the infection, but still..

Really hope you recover swiftly and fully, Nubinator
Hmmm...were the bumps big or small? I've had small bumps on my fingers that itch like crazy for 4 or 5 months, but they went away afterwards.
Yeah be careful if you're easily offended and google for images. :eek:

Here's a family safe article by friend of ARC, Steven Pro:"></a>

I knew someone who contracted this and it took 6 months of antibiotics and irrigation of an arm wound to get rid of.

It's rare - but it happens.

I was amazed to find out what this was. The doctor said the treatment could take up to 10 months.
I hope it takes a lot less. It's worth protecting open wounds from aquarium water.
It's rare but take it from me it happens.
I imagine I will contract and hopefully become immune to this sort of stuff with all the tanks I've had my hands in lately