Aquarium Maintenance Company Needed


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I’ve had my reef tank running for about 10 years now and unfortunately, I’ve recently begun having some issues with a few hard corals dying. I was wandering if anyone knew of a reasonably priced aquarium maintenance company that would be willing to check my tank. The funny thing is I’ve contacted several companies (some sponsors) and most won’t call me back to schedule an appointment. I have no idea how these places make money if they’re not willing to work. It’s almost as if they’re too busy in a recession. Lol. Any referrals would be much appreciated. I live in Loganville.

I don’t know if Premier Aquatics serves your area, but I used them once while out of town and they did well. We frequent the store and often find a few techs in the store near close - all super knowledgeable.
Thanks. I appreciate the suggestion and I'll give them a call tomorrow.
+1 for Premier. They assisted moving our 120 gallon tank a couple months back. Would definitely recommend them.
I doubt Premier will go all the way to loganville, that’s about 50miles one way, but they may. I’m not sure if Atlanta Aquarium does any sort of maintenance.
With most everyone spending so much more time at home, home based hobbies and home improvement type places are busier than they've ever been. If they're anything like me, it's not that they're not willing to to work, there's just so many requests out there now that they probably really are too busy. I'm already regularly working 60-70 hour weeks and still turning down probably 80% of the calls I get for new business.
Your best bet is probably Classic City Aquariums in Watkinsville. They are a sponsor here and I know they service tanks but I can’t promise they’ll service your tank, lol.

For what it’s worth @adamdaniel210 can probably help you out, he’s one of the owners there and a pretty great guy, real nice.
chances are there's not a silver bullet for the issues that you are having even if you pay a service company to stop by. whatever issue that's causing this could've been lurking around in the tank for some time and it only takes one factor for the perfect storm to take place.

whatever the end result is i sincerely hope that you get the answer you are looking for.
I absolutely agree agree with you hzheng33 but I gotta do something to figure out what went wrong and get me back on the right path. I bought a higher quality salt today and I'm going to do about a 20% water change tonight. I'll contact the company bluesy1213 suggested tonight.
Today, I had Adam from Classic City Aquarims come out to diagnose my tank. Adam possessed all the tools needed to do anything I asked. Adam was very knowledgeable, friendly and he arrived on time. Above all else, their rates were very reasonable! I’m looking forward to seeing some positive results within the next few weeks. I strongly encourage anyone having issues with their tank to contact him for assistance.