Aquarium Plumbing

I think your best bet would be to reach out to a brick & mortar store that does aquarium maintenance. Most of our sponsors are North and East of ATL but if it's just a good set up you're looking for they might make the trip.
I did maintenance and installs for years, I’ve never seen a tank done by an actually plumber that didn’t have to be immediately redone. 100% contact a fish store or maintenance service. The designs of aquarium plumbing vs home or industrial settings are vastly different and you really need someone that know aquarium specific plumbing.

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I am sure you could find someone on here that is close to you and would do it for a 6 pack, you could even post a picture of your set-up on here and we could "draw" on the photos to give you an idea of what could/should be done.
chris c