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anyone ever had the almost perfect aquascaping had to move all the rock out becouse of a fish then you go to redo the rock seems like they just dont look right no matter wher you put them back sorry been trying to make it look right again for to long now i think ...:doh:
I know the feeling. I hid a new powerhead in the tank today, small avalanche and now everything looks "different"! I don't like the changes.
:sad: I know 3 hours on one side it looks like s*&t....I'll be up half the night trying to get it back right
I can never get it back to exactly how it was... for whatever reason adding smaller pieces of base rocks gets it closer for me.
I have gone as far as to take pictures of the tank, so I could "TRY" to put the rocks back just like they were!
I hope my wife doesn't read this! I moved all my rocks trying to get a damsel out. I took pictures/video and a huge it looks like s*** fight insued and continued for days. I got the damsel and I was going to do something else with him. He had some issues with a grouper and the grouper won.
jefftullius;32146 wrote: I hope my wife doesn't read this! I moved all my rocks trying to get a damsel out. I took pictures/video and a huge it looks like s*** fight insued and continued for days. I got the damsel and I was going to do something else with him. He had some issues with a grouper and the grouper won.
For future reference I'll rent you a trap for $10. You bait it wait for them to swim in and use a fishing line to drop the trap door. Its worked good in the past for others....its kinda big for little tanks though.
:doh: Day two of the rock rebuild.....(note to self next time rent trap from fishy) still not happy with it but it's moving right along:mad2: all becouse powder brown could'nt play nice