Aquatec 8800 booster pump


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I picked one of these up off ebay with a power inverter to increase the speed of my RODI.

I've been using a Purewaterclub 150gpd RODI for a few years now. In my old house I could fill a 32g Brute in about 5 hours (unknown house pressure). Since moving, my makeup time has considerably increased to nearly 18 hours (unknown house pressure, but it's low).

I ran the pump for approximately 8 hours and filled my 32g Brute and a 5g water jug - so not too shabby. Connection was a snap - I ran a water line after my sediment filters into the pump and then out of the pump and into the RO filter as recommended. This little pump vibrates quite a bit and makes a fair amount of noise. Definitely distracting if you're trying to watch a tv show or whatnot.

All things considered, definitely worth my $105 to pick up. Next I'm gonna look for the 300gpd upgrade kit to decrease my waste water further.
I really like my 8800. I am on my second one. The first lasted about 5 years. I have the 2 membrane water saver type setup from BRS, and I get a 1:1 ratio in the summer, a bit worse in winter. My booster pushes at 80-85 psi. The guys said that was a good pressure for their 75 gpd membranes.

John, you really should try to get a pressure gauge for your system if possible. You might be able to make RODI even more efficiently than you do now. My system is 150 GPD total, and it the summer I make 8.5 gallons in an hour at a 1:1 ratio.