ARC General Meeting Minutes - June 2008


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ARC General Meeting Minutes - June 2008
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Gwen, thanks for putting these together. Very nice.
Gwen, thanks. I missed the meeting- out of town. It was good to read the notes and such thorough ones too!

Sheryle :)
<span style="font-size: 12px;">Gwen, very impressive summary. Good work
THanks Gwen! It's so nice to have meeting minutes posted so quickly; looks like a missed a great meeting.
thanks ya'll !!!

I didn't think anyone ever read the notes !!

When I was typing them up at work yesterday, I was thinking "man I took some crazy notes" because it took forever to type that up!!!

I think it was our great speaker that made taking the notes so easy. And I actually understood a lot of the material so that helped too. Taking notes when Tom Wyatt is the speaker - oh my, forget it!!!
It has been said, but I'll say it again... Thanks for the notes. I am a new member and wanted to attend. Unfortunately, work ran late. So, thanks again. Hope to see/meet everyone at the next meeting.