Are amphipods pest to zoas?


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Hi guys,

I just joined ARC, but have been lurking in the hobby for about 2+ years :). I'm curious if anyone else had ever had a problem with them. Recently, I purchased a few frags of zoas. The zoas started opening up fairly quickly on the first day, but on day 2, my Fire and Ice zoas started to not open up completely. On day 3, even less. After about a week I was really getting worried about my Fire and Ice polyps. I was getting almost zero polyp extension. I kept seeing amphipods all throughout day getting onto of the frag plug and possibly eating or annoying the zoas. While I was doing a bit of research, I read about a guy, who was having a similar issue: his zoas weren't opening and he kept seeing amphipods crawling on top of them. He decided to put his frag on top of a shot glass. This, for some reason, deterred the amphipods enough to where they stopped getting on top of the frag. Amazingly enough, the zoas started opening back up. After reading this, I tried something similar. I took a plastic bottle and drilled some holes into it for my zoa frags (no egg crate). I then used a mag float to place the bottle a bit off the sand bed. It's been one day, and 4 of my Fire and Ice Polyps are opening, almost completely. The other zoa frags, which were doing okay, have started looking better too. To be clear, the flow and lighting haven't really changed much as a result of the "frag rack." Has anyone else encountered this?

I had a huge population of amphipods build up because of a lack of tank husbandry and no natural predators in my tank. For the past 4-5 months, I've been really keeping up with my tank. Doing usually water changes as well as siphoning out detritus. I think they're now starving and looking for anything to eat.

hmm thats weird, ive heard of amphipods bothering zoas but never seen it myself. all of my tanks have had tons of amphipods and ive never had that problem. maybe its a different species of amphipods?
my pass tanks i've always had tons of all sort of pods, i actually bred then in my refugium to add to my tank and one of my favorite coral was zoas and never had any problem, not saying it is not possible.
my first question would be is..... are you sure it's a amphipod cause if it is, it would be hard to come across a type not common to the hobby market.
coral law is to dip everything before dropping it in the tank.
following to satisfy my curiosity.
Doubtful it's the amphipods irritating the Zoanthids. Are there any other corals near the place where the Zoanthids were when they weren't opening? Could be chemical warfare from the adjacent corals.
