Asfur angels


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Anyone had any experiences with them?? I'm debating buying one--it would go in my 100 with a niger and huma huma trigger, also have Stars and stripes puffer, and lunare wrasse. I guess my question is if first off if it would be overloading my tank? second, if it would live with these monsters!? They're kinda a higher end fish, so it's not like i'd be wasting $20 if it died, more like $120 or so. I also am running a sump with 15-20 gallons of water and an ASM G-1X skimmer. thanks
I had one many years ago. I kept it in a 58gal w/ a Bursa trigger, Vlamingi tang, percula clown, and a couple of fairy wrasses. It was an awesome angelfish to have. I think I had another angel in there at the time too. If you have ever kept angels before it is alot like any other. If you are adding it to an already established tank however, I would make sure it is the largest fish in the tank. Also are you running live rock in this tank? My guess is yes, but never hurts to ask. Also how large are the others?

BTW - I think your number of posts equals the population of Rome doesn't it?

j/k - I lived there for three years several years ago.
reefknight;149271 wrote:
BTW - I think your number of posts equals the population of Rome doesn't it?

j/k - I lived there for three years several years ago.

haha--no-we're quite the "metropolis" now. We even got 2 wal-marts-lol. The others are fairly big-and yeah-the lunare does pick a lot. Apparently these guys demolished a foxface I had last week-(he no where to be found).
It will be compatible, but you are right to think about load and nutiretnt export. Also, they get BIG! You definitely need much larger than a 100 gallon in a very short time. Only go forwrad if it is small. If it is any buigger than 4-5" you'll likely ahev aggression probs due to cramped quarters.
AugustaSalty;149316 wrote: Rome is growing, they have a huge liquor store there that was awesome, which is ironic because the college kids can't drink on campus.

which one would that be?? Randolphs?
jmaneyapanda;149328 wrote: It will be compatible, but you are right to think about load and nutiretnt export. Also, they get BIG! You definitely need much larger than a 100 gallon in a very short time. Only go forwrad if it is small. If it is any buigger than 4-5" you'll likely ahev aggression probs due to cramped quarters.

I don't have ANY plans on getting a bigger tank-so--would you say it would be a pass on the asfur?
ericmcj31;149335 wrote: I don't have ANY plans on getting a bigger tank-so--would you say it would be a pass on the asfur?
Absolutely. An asfur will be beautiful, but unhappy and aggressive in a 100.
what would you say minimum tank size?? B/c everywhere I read it says 80 or 100 minimum; I know a lot of times they aren't exactly right, though; and i know some people keep them in smaller tanks, but I want him to be happy-I buy them to live and thrive, not just b/c I like the fish--so what would you say minimum size? I have a 135, but it is a reef tank-I assume he won't be good for that?
Thats a really subjective question. I hate the fact that there are published "minimum tank sizes" because it depends on so many variables. If the asfur was the only fish in the 100, maybe it would work. With your population, I think it would a ticking timebomb. There is no way to say "X is the minimum tank size". The things to consider is that they do get quite big, and moderately aggressive. What type of reef to you have? I would guess that the would pick at LPS, zoas, clams, and probably some softies, but each individual fish is hit and miss. Personally, I wouldnt put any large angel in anything less than a six foot tank, but that is just me.
yeah--I guess I'll hold off, then; my 135 is a 6' tank, but I don't want him picking at my other stuff-I just love the way the asfurs look-maybe next time at the next house :( thanks for your input.
ericmcj31;149307 wrote: haha--no-we're quite the "metropolis" now. We even got 2 wal-marts-lol. The others are fairly big-and yeah-the lunare does pick a lot. Apparently these guys demolished a foxface I had last week-(he no where to be found).

Yeah I lived there a little over eight years ago. A friend told me just recently that there are actually stores out on the loop now. When I was there it was just the jail and that one factory (electrical something). They had to add a giant liquer store so the folks over in Cherokee Co, AB have somewhere to get booze, dang dry county. Oh well, I guess I need to make a trip back at some point, I've got to see the new "metropolis".:D
yeah-they're not dry anymore--used to the alabamaians had to "bootleg" liquor across state lines.--lol--
Man I tell ya, leave for a few years and the entire mindset of the town up and changes! Progressive thinking in that tri-county area? I think the world may be coming to an end. j/k
yeah-Rome is really growing-and the surrounding areas even too (Rockmart, Adairsville, Cartersville, etc.), heck we even got voted in beer and liquor on Sundays a couple years ago (in restaurants of course).