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I am planning to set up a 120g fish only tank and I am debating on using 175W metal hailades or t5 lighting.

I know you all are asking why would I need these lights for fish only? The truth is I love the look of the metal halaide and I like that it gives me the option to join the reefer world. Is t5 truly as strong for a 120? Please let me know . Thanks
T5's are just as strong,but they will not provide you the shimmer you are looking for.You can join the reefer world with T5's as well :)
Halides are the Shiznit now but I can't see throwing that kind of heat into the tank for "The shimmer." If you think you may go reef later on then chances are you will already have non-reef compatible fish that will need new homes. If I had a fish only tank now I would have a Harlequin Tusk, Emperor Angel, Lunar wrase etc...... All awesome fish, but none which are reef compatible. I always tell folks to walk the fish isles carefully before starting a tank....If you see a coule of fish in the fish only isle that you don't think you can live without.....go fish only.....If you MUST have the coral too, then spend the jack, get the lights, and build your reef. Just my 2 cents.........Scott
just preteted that she aint a girl...just say it is your s i can deal with that J/K not trying to start some sexest thing or nothin, mine really aint that big just like 6-7in, but i really don't have a problem with heat and i am running like 400w on a 33 gal display with nothing but a little fan on the sump
A common "trick" is to use both. Low wattage MH for the effect with T5s providing a significant source of PAR. I use 6 T5s and 2 MH over my 120 with good effect and I have shimmer without too much heat.