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I have 2 questions.

1. Is an ASM G1X enough of a skimmer for a 58G w 20G sump?

2. May be a stupid question. Is there a big difference inan ASM G1 or G2 and my current Coralife Super Skimmer 65?

Darren24;32585 wrote: I have 2 questions.

1. Is an ASM G1X enough of a skimmer for a 58G w 20G sump?

Yup, more than enough.

2. May be a stupid question. Is there a big difference inan ASM G1 or G2 and my current Coralife Super Skimmer 65?


Aside from quality of the pump and the size of the skimmer, you should notice an increase in production.

I have seen your sump, and, imo, you would benefit from a smaller skimmer chamber that maintains a constant water level to help w/ production. The chamber should be in the area of the sump where the drain from the display is.
The G1x can handle a small to medium load on that system. If you plan on having some real pooping (?) fish, I would pop up to a slightly larger skimmer. Not a huge difference as they are roughly the same size, but the G2 has a slightly larger diameter body.
Also for upgrade purposes. If you go with a 75 or so your G2 can still handle while there is no way the 1x would unless you have a very light bioload!

The price differences between the 1 and 3 are so smalll (less then $50) I would go up to a G3 if you have the room! This would let you scale int the 125 range with no issues should you ever need to and you would have no worries with bioload on your current tank.

As Matt was saying if you don't have constant water level I would highly recommend that first. A baffle is really easy to put in and your skimmer will thank you for it!
If you are buying new, I would consider Octopus NW110 or the NW150 which I think Mufret has one for sale used. I believe they are a better value new.
MattTVI is there a way to create the chamber without installing baffles? Could I add some type of plastic container to sectionalize the sump?

Thanks for the feedback everyone.
A bucket inside a sump makes a good baffle. Just make sure the bucket is shorter than the walls of the tank or drill holes in the bucket where you want the water line.

Just like Cam said, use a bucket or some other container if you can get one to fit. I know you are a little cramped for space in that 15g sump. I have a sump that has a cracked baffle but it might work for you. It's a 20g AGA tank w/ baffles installed.

PM me if you're interested, we could work out a swap if you wanted. I can send you pictures though i'm busy w/ school tonight.


I will also help you install baffles if you like. There isn't much too it. Just need a tank and a visit to Lowes for some cut glass.
Thanks folks. I may look for a bucket / container. I would swap my sump (20G High) for one with baffles but I would have to remove the display to get it out of the stand. (No lectures. I know). So the bucket would house the return line and the skimmer and then overflow in to the sump correct?
Darren24;32691 wrote: Thanks folks. I may look for a bucket / container. I would swap my sump (20G High) for one with baffles but I would have to remove the display to get it out of the stand. (No lectures. I know). So the bucket would house the return line and the skimmer and then overflow in to the sump correct?

yup, but i'd drill the bucket so that the water wasn't flowing over the rim of the bucket itself. you may be able to find a container at target or HD/lowes/etc. that is a better fit for your sump.


I have an ASM G2 w/ gate and recirc mods if youre interested. Perfect condition. Asking $200
Hey Tony is your inbox full I tried sending you a message? sorry not trying to hijack this thread feel free to delete this message after you read it.
Nope I got it... Im sorting thru them now. I get a few messages per day if you can believe that. LOL