ATO level sensor for apex?


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So i know this is a DIY for now until Apex releases the optical sensors that they have in their DDR containers. I have started setting up my Apex and realized now that I have removed the 20g brute container and replaced it with a 5g bucket I am adding water to my top off much more frequently. So with this being said, can I add a float switch using a breakout box to sense when the water level is getting low? So instead of alerting against the float switch being high when the circuit is open, could I do the opposite and alert when the switch is low? So basically I would set the float at the lowest height in the 5g bucket before my pump in not submersed anymore, thus alerting me when the switch falls to the low position.
I use that setup myself. I have the switch mounted in a piece of pvc attached to the side of the container. The water lifts the float and closes the switch. When the water level gets low the switch opens. This way if the switch somehow gets disconnected it will prevent the pump from running. I also have an email alarm set to go off with switch 3 open to let me know the container is low.

This is the code i use for the switch
Fallback OFF
If Sw3 OPEN Then ON

This is my code for the ATO
Fallback OFF
If Sw2 OPEN Then OFF
If Sw3 OPEN Then OFF
Defer 002:00 Then ON

Switch 1 is my sump low and Switch 2 is sump high.
Very nice! So it looks like I just need a float switch now :)

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Chris, would you mind posting a picture of that pvc setup? Trying to get an idea on how to mount it.

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bkostuch;1056311 wrote: Chris, would you mind posting a picture of that pvc setup? Trying to get an idea on how to mount it.

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I used a tall pet food bin and drilled two holes on opposite sides for threaded bulkheads. Inside pvc connects the bulkheads and there is a tee fitting in the middle pointing down. A piece of pipe runs down to the bottom of the container. When i figured out where I wanted the low water level I added another tee so one opening pointed down and the other sideways. Each opening in the bottom tee was fitted with a flat pvc plug that was drilled and tapped for a pipe thread. The bottom hole is where the float switch is placed and the side facing hole has a john guest fitting with the internal stop drilled out so the tubing can pass all the way through it. I routed the floats wires and the water line up pvc and out one of the bulkheads.

I used a maxijet pump and cut the wire near the plug. I drilled a hole just big enough for the wire in the pvc near a bulkhead and after passing the wire through i sealed it with RTV. The plug was soldered and wrapped with self sealing tape.

The bulkheads keep the wires inside dry and also prevent the container from flexing when full.

I hope that makes some kind of sense
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Thanks Chris for the help, I have my 10g ATO float setup. Just a question on the switches, is there a way to add a better description than just SW1? I can see how later its going to get confusing if i add a bunch more stuff.
bkostuch;1057048 wrote: Thanks Chris for the help, I have my 10g ATO float setup. Just a question on the switches, is there a way to add a better description than just SW1? I can see how later its going to get confusing if i add a bunch more stuff.

You can change the identifier in the apex settings. I.e... SumpLow instead of SW1. I just left it as is.