ATO/RODI Float Valve Failure


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So I had my ATO float valve that sits inside my RODI basin fail a few weeks ago and started to flood the floor.  To be clear, this float sits inside my RODI freshwater basin and is fed from my RODI filter so overflowing destroys the house, not the tank (as it should be lol!).  I make up about 40 gallons at a time so when i turn it on I tend to leave it running and forget it.  Valve saved my butt for a year after several "oopsies" of waking up in the middle of the night to a small lake in the fish room.  I have the same float valve as a backup to an electronic valve and switch feeding the tank for actual ATO.  Since the valve is fed from city pressure via the RODI and it tends to bounce pretty hard for 3 seconds when it tops out, i figured the plugging mechanism failed.  Well when replacing I found the the seam of the float had failed and that it had filled with water.  Hence why it wasn't working.  The float valve was only a year old but wanted to let you guys know to keep an eye on yours if you use one.

Mines a coralife float

I got an additional electronic solenoid for xmas and i'm in the process of soldering on a plug (120v) and some float switches to tie into my apex.  This way i'll have redundancy like i do with the tank.

I am a big fan of redundancy. I like triple or more fail safes.

I have mine controlled by my Apex. There 2 float switches controlling my RODI and 3 solenoids. There is a low level float that turns the whole system on and starts a series of programming. It will autoflush at startup and shut down. The hi level float starts the final flush and shuts everything down. Above the hi float is the mechanical float connected to the ro tubing where the water enters the drums, that is the primary backup. If the switch and float fail my containers are sealed with an overflow line connected to a sump pump that pumps to the sewer line, backup number 3. I the event there is a power outage and I'm not there to fire up the generator quick enough the 3 solenoids are set to normally closed. So with no power they will cut the water supply.

I'd be happy to share my programming if you're interested.