ATO Siphon issue


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I have an ATO setup with aqualifter pump (see attached diagram).

If I setup my line to add to my sump I can't break the siphon from my Brute container.

If I setup my line to add to my tank it just drips out.

I have tried to raise the lines over 30" above the top of the water level in the Brute container....I am using a bulkhead near the bottom of the ~40gal brute.

Any suggestions...I am racking my brain on this one.
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Currently, no, it is in my sump (about 12" below). I had it in my tank (would be about 15" above Brute water level; however, it dripped about every 3 seconds from the aqualifter)...I felt that was too slow for an ATO.

I did route the line up to 30" above the Brute water level, however, before it enters the sump.
What if you run a line from the Aqualifter inlet into the brute container from the top, instead of from the bulkhead at the bottom.
Tuckdaway;364509 said:
I had it in my tank (would be about 15" above Brute water level; however, it dripped about every 3 seconds from the aqualifter)...I felt that was too slow for an ATO.quote]
I don't think that's too slow.
Depends on how fast you evap, I guess. I have an Aqualifter pushing through my kalk reactor and it turns on 6 times a day (every 4 hours) and runs for about 3-5min each time.
I agree with running the line to the aqulifter into the top of the brute and run the output to your sump. I think it is head pressure that is keeping it running frm th bottom. Depending on the ATO, the drip won't work since it will timeout before it can add enough water."></a>
I would add one of these to the unit also

i would add one of these into the system also
I ordered one of these here. Should be here this week. I'll be putting it in place in front of my RO/DI under the sink, then running the output of the RO/DI to my ATO container which will have 2 float valves controlled by my reefkeeper. Every 3 days it will allow the solenoid to turn on and top off the RO/DI, which I can now hide inside a cabinet or something."></a>

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In the diagram the aqualifter is higher then the tank. Seems like you are trying to lift a little too high for the pump to meet the demand of your tank. I would lose the aqualifter and go with a larger pump like a mj1200 to pump your topoff though a 3/8 line to the top of your tank.
Ares...agreed...level with display....if I add to sump it continues to flow freely...if I add to display it trickles out....ran all day and never caught up to my "Top off level here" line.

The reason I had it 15" above was to stop the flow when it was in the sump. Obviously, if I was pumping to the display I didn't route above the display because it was already just dripping out.
Maybe I have a defective pump....I have heard many good things about the aqualifter...have a filter on the "in"....interesting if I lower the line down flow like i would need it.....hate to put the Brute on a pedestal just to add to the overflow...seems like over kill.

I have placed the aqualifter pump 7 distances to sunday in relation to the tank and sump with no impact....
I run aqualifters on my cubes that lift maybe 24" and I would have to say it's not much more than a trickle output. It's perfect for my smaller tanks, but I'd go a different route on anything in the 50 gallon or above range.