
If you haven't selected to use the drop and drag feature in your user CP, then hit the manage attachments button when you are posting.
What kind of attachment are you trying to upload? If I remember correctly you're limited to pictures only... but I could be wrong.
Here is a list of what you can attach....

Did u need help Tony?? :D

bmp19.5 KB620280" alt="" /> [B]doc[/B]976.6 KB--
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]gif[/B]19.5 KB64048
0[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]jpe[/B]19.5 KB620280
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]jpeg[/B]19.5 KB620280
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]jpg[/B]97.7 KB640480
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]pdf[/B]976.6 KB--[IMG]" alt="" />
[B]png[/B]19.5 KB620280
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]psd[/B]19.5 KB--
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]txt[/B]19.5 KB--
[IMG]" alt="" /> [B]zip[/B]976.6 KB
gwen_o_lyn wrote: awwww but you're the RIGHT person to be the next ARC prez and that's what counts!!!! :thumbs:

And with gwen's quick response (as always) and great typing skills, she should be secretary!
kj_yoda wrote: And with gwen's quick response (as always) and great typing skills, she should be secretary!

Thanks... but I don't write well at all. That's the problem!! I just can't get it together when it comes to English.
lol- good point!
I'd do much better. ;)

Ok at the last meeting:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "ARC Meeting">
<start meeting>

click this button">[IMG]" alt="" /></a> or GO ADVANCED (like Kevin said)

and scroll down..

If you don't see it, you have drag and drop enabled.

not all my pics showed up- oh well.. I tried...