August 2018 Bod Meeting Notes


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
East Cobb
ARC BoD Meeting Thursday August 30th, 2017 @ 7:00 – 8:45PM
Location - Mad Italian Restaurant

In attendance
Adam Nitschke
Austin Trizzino
Leo McGuire
Brigesh Patel
Dave Ball

We opened the meeting with review of options to migrate the club to a new site platform. With the new site is based on XenForo it poses compatibility issues with the HTML format of the old site. After a thorough review of all options, we decide the best option was to archive the old site and go live with the new site in 2-4 weeks.
Archiving the old site would allow access to all forums & posts on the old site but in a view/research only mode. Recent activity threads/posts within the last 90 days would be preserved in the new live forum along with some valuable “how to, respected member/contributor threads and the BoD/Meeting minutes
Adam will work on the club purchasing rights/ownership of the new site in the clubs’ name.
-      Xenforo License initial cost $140, annual renewals @ $40
-      Secure hosting $120/3months
Dave motioned the Bod vote on the “move fast” initiative and associated costs to launch the new site in 2-4 week, Adam seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.

Bod discussed options for a September meeting and Adam volunteered to reach out to Pure Reef and see if they would host a meeting for the club. We are looking for a Saturday or Sunday (15ththrough the 30th).

September meeting topic – State of the Club & what’s coming (really BIG NEWS!!!)
- Preview the new site
- Give attending members a chance to test drive the new site (mobile version)
- Launch the new site
- Overview of what the Bod has planned for the coming months
- Club member raffle with  $200 grand prize GC to Pure Reef
- Talk about the upcoming club elections, we are looking for more folks to get involved
- Pure Reef Presentation (topic TBD)

Motion for a September meeting budget of $700 by Adam, seconded by Dave and passed with a unanimous vote.