Auto baby brine shrimp hatchery/feeder?


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So I came across this on Ebay and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with it. I have done some research and saw others who have done a DIY auto baby brine shrimp hatchery/feeder and thought it was a great idea but this seemed to be a lot easier. The purpose is to supplement the diet of my Spotted Mandarin whose primary diet consist of the copepod population in my 140 reef which he has put a major dent in due to his rapid growth.
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I looked into that and decided against it for a few reasons.

You still have to put the eggs in it which my laziness didnt like.
It needs an air pump which is noisy.
The hatched brine always move toward light so they would end up at the surface of the water and just go down the overflow(since where I would have had to put it was next to the overflow) and also away from the bottom feeders like mandarins.

Overall it would work but not well for my needs.

This is where I got the info for mine."></a>

The only issue I have with mine is the screen(stocking) gets clogged up and needs to be replaced weekly.

Side note, you can bundle up live rock rubble in screen(with decent size holes) to make copepod havens the other fish cant get into. I have a few in my overflows and behind all the rocks.