Auto-shut off for RODI


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I know that all of you have probably already done this and I am a little slow in catching up but I installed this float shutoff on my RODI brute trash can and man, it works great. I have forgotten that I was filtering water multiple times to go to the equipment room and find water on the floor. Luckily, it is a concrete floor and dries quickly but this works great. Any more tips that you all have for RODI/salt mixing/storage that would make my life easier...and that I should already be aware of? I actually wish that I would have gotten the clean barrels that have liquid level markings on them and then build a rack to put the RODI above the Salt mix. That would make life much easier as well.

I have 3 - 34 gallon brute trash cans. 1 for RODI, 1 for reef tank salt mix, and 1 for QT salt mix. Difference is that I use a cheaper salt mix for my QT (IO) where I use Red Sea for my DT.

Here is the link to the float shut off and BTW, I have a BRS RODI so it has the waste water shut off already installed but for those that don't, you can get one on the BRS site.
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