auto water change


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we are about to close on our house in the next few weeks and i would like to setup another tank been out of the hobby for a while my main issue when doin reefing has always been water changes looking to see some ideas and pictures maybe of automatic water change setups
Simon Kreuger (sp?) had the most bada__ system, with Apex controlled water change, I've seen (possibly outside of the GA Aquarium ;).
The reservoir itself was something like 300 gal. I wonder if he is still a member/has his system and/or can post a pic?
I remember Simon. I think I still owe him an apology from when I was more of a jerk in my younger years :)

He did have an awesome setup.
I setup a 10 gallon tank with some relays and pumps to do auto daily water changes. I stopped because the small variations would cause my salinity to swing if I didnt keep a close eye on it, and a weekly water change only takes 5 minutes now.

I still have it if you want it, just needs 4 power heads and timers to work.
My APEX does small daily water changes on my tanks. It works well, but my setup is cumbersome and I plan to resolve the issues by moving to a basement sump and water station and cleaning things up on my main level.
I had planned on DIY water changes for a few years then recently bought an APEX and a DOS. A week later I had AWC running. I will say the DOS is a little loud although less so when spread across longer intervals. I'm doing 2g/day spread across 14 hours. I have plans to move it to my basement where my salt mix is located but haven't gotten around to it.

I also have the option to spread them out across 24 hours or create staggered intervals that avoid peak times in my family room which would make the noise more tolerable. It's not horrible, I can't hear it over a movie unless I'm watching my tank while the family is watching the movie :)

After using Reef Keeper units for the past many years I'd highly recommend a APEX and if you're interested in AWC then a DOS makes it incredibly easy to setup.
i will have to design something i guess the only issue i've ever had over the years when having tanks was doin water changes ive lways gotten lazy about it sooner or later
Simon Kreuger (sp?) had the most bada__ system, with Apex controlled water change, I've seen (possibly outside of the GA Aquarium ;).
The reservoir itself was something like 300 gal. I wonder if he is still a member/has his system and/or can post a pic?

I talk to Simon every now and then so I can ask him next time I speak with him to see if he has any old pics as he has had 3 other tanks since that one and now has just a fish only system. As far as the auto water change system it just depends on how much you want to change a day because I have friends that use the DOS from Apex and it is fairly accurate but wears out the heads quicker. The next system I set up will have a Stenner double headed peristaltic pump and run it off the Apex as both heads use the same shaft and is cheaper then a Masterflex type pump used in hospitals which does the same thing as the Stenner.