Auto water change

wantsummora acropora

Well-Known Member
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I recently installed an auto water change system. It is my new favorite piece of equipment. My corals have never looked happier. One of my acans was popping off heads like popcorn. The last head seams to be doing better. My candycane opened for the first time ever since I've had it and the bubbles have come back to my BTA's. I highly recommend this system to any who can effectively implement it.
I recently installed an auto water change system. It is my new favorite piece of equipment. My corals have never looked happier. One of my acans was popping off heads like popcorn. The last head seams to be doing better. My candycane opened for the first time ever since I've had it and the bubbles have come back to my BTA's. I highly recommend this system to any who can effectively implement it.

Which system did you use?

I second that, which system did you use. We have been talking about that for some time but haven't done much research yet. I have spent tons of money on my setup already and need to keep the cost low..
Do a good majority of you do auto changes?

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I second that, which system did you use. We have been talking about that for some time but haven't done much research yet. I have spent tons of money on my setup already and need to keep the cost low..
I use a Neptune DOS only because I STILL can't get my hands on an Ecotech Versa 4 pack. I love Echotech products but they really need to get their s**t together. But if you go the Neptune DOS route, be forewarned that it is loud. Mine is in my storm room with 1 foot thick concrete walls and a thick door and I can still barely hear it. If you choose to do 3 gallons per day like I did, it will turn on frequently and if it's loud to you you will get tired of that really quick. Also, If you use the DOS for AWC the right side is suppose to spin backwards. I could not get mine to do that but there is a thread out there that has a work around. Mine works great like this.
I second that, which system did you use. We have been talking about that for some time but haven't done much research yet. I have spent tons of money on my setup already and need to keep the cost low..
I would also add that this is one area that you want a quality piece of equipment augmented by a controller for redundant disaster control.
I just picked up a DOS to start doing AWC myself, just need to find the time to set it up.

Rumor is EcoTech Versa is being phased out, or at least on hold for the time being, I wouldn't expect that you'll find one available new any time soon.
I just picked up a DOS to start doing AWC myself, just need to find the time to set it up.

Rumor is EcoTech Versa is being phased out, or at least on hold for the time being, I wouldn't expect that you'll find one available new any time soon.
What?!! They just upgraded it and now they are phasing it out? This is disappointing and distressing. My future plans for my 2nd tank were with Echotech.
What?!! They just upgraded it and now they are phasing it out? This is disappointing and distressing. My future plans for my 2nd tank were with Echotech.
I actually think now that I took what I was told wrong and they aren't discontinuing it, but they have had some setbacks and delays in production, and that is the reason they are significantly delayed and not likely to be seen very much any time real soon. So not out all together but still expect some more delay.
I actually think now that I took what I was told wrong and they aren't discontinuing it, but they have had some setbacks and delays in production, and that is the reason they are significantly delayed and not likely to be seen very much any time real soon. So not out all together but still expect some more delay.
Much better situation. Still disappointing but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.