Automated Testing equipment


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I have been following along on several forums and websites all the new testing automation equipment that is out or coming out soon. I personally have the Trident and love it. But there are others coming out it seems monthly now: Reefbot, Mindstream- finally after like 5 years, seneye says their coral is coming soon, and LaMotte says their reef waterlinkspin is also coming out soon. Has anyone tried a Reefbot or ordered the Mindstream?
I can't speak to any of the none Apex brands - but with the components capable of running all these systems becoming so cheap in the marketplace - I'm glad to see others moving into this space.

Neptune draws a premium and a large part of their ability to do that is the community support and their Fusion service which they offer for free (which is pretty amazing these days). I'd love to see a system come out that is more open source friendly.
I'm almost glad I didn't get a Trident yet. Almost.

I will be nice to see more competition in the market. Hopefully they all live up to their claims. I'll be following the Mindstream closely. If it covers those 10 tests accurately and can limit the number of ICP tests I get done it maybe the go to.
Mindstream is soliciting sales to the public as of today with a 6-8 week lag time. $995 and at least $35 B5255CC5-AF95-4033-BB8E-F6764C7106D8.png06D05988-5096-4DCF-98CF-B4E68B8A550A.pngmonth on top- so an expensive option. But if it works....
The LaMotte system is not quite released yet.
I'm gonna sit back and watch all these new ones hit the market and see how the real world results actually are.

If I manage to get a Trident at least I know there's a market for them to sell used and get most if not all my money back.

*Edit* I'm also not concerned with 2/3rds of the tests the Mindstream does. The big 3 plus NO3 & PO4 is what I'd love to see. So far the Trident still wins because the Apex can adjust dosing to compensate for the results it gets. No matter what I've still got to test the other 2 myself.
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I'm gonna sit back and watch all these new ones hit the market and see how the real world results actually are.

If I manage to get a Trident at least I know there market for them to sell used and get most if not all my money back.

*Edit* I'm also not concerned with 2/3rds of the tests the Mindstream does. The big 3 plus NO3 & PO4 is what I'd love to see. So far the Trident still wins because the Apex can adjust dosing to compensate for the results it gets. No matter what I've still got to test the other 2 myself.
That is what I want - automatic NO3 and PO4 in addition to the trident. Have not found any automation other than Reefbot - which just does whatever tests for you - so only as accurate as the test kit you buy.
It's always great to see new testing automation equipment being released. I haven't tried the Reefbot or ordered the Mindstream yet, but I'm definitely interested in hearing more about them. Thanks for sharing your experience with Trident. It's always helpful to hear from someone who's actually used a product before.
As for automation, have you heard of the Free UI Testing Tool? It's a great resource for automating your UI testing and ensuring the accuracy of your results. It might be worth checking out if you're interested in automation.
The only one I’ve used and currently have is a Mastertronic and I’m using a Dosetronic for dosing
I have two Tridents and both units so far work fantastic. I only have one of them running with a DoS but soon I hope to have a DoS running on the other one too.
Is the Mindstream making a comeback? I thought the company completely folded a couple years ago. I was part of the beta testing and still have one of the prototypes.
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The mindstream would be great. But lets see what happens. $995 is a great price but the $35 a month seems kinda steep. does this $35 a month cover reagents etc. Or do you need anything with the purchase. After using trident and other neptune products which i love. I dont think anyone out there gonna compete with neptune
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