Avoided Disaster


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had to bring my wife to visit her mother who was in the hospital was gone a week had my son taking care of the tanks while were were gone right before i left i added my first anemone into my 7 month old nano tank with 2 maroon clownfish a yellow angelfish and a Starcki Damsel the bta immediately hosted the clownfish but behind a rock! anyway i came home friday and the nano tank was completely clouded and all my fish were gasping for air somehow the anemone died and started falling to pieces and i guess caused an ammonia spike and of course i had no saltwater on hand mixed so over the course of the last 2 days i did a 75% water change and Saturday a 50% water change ran some a prime which i had on hand and thankfully all the fish are alive not breathing heavily anymore and are doing well and eating lost a lot of snails though and my crabs made it and my cleaner shrimp too
Oh i also ran some 2 airstones since i had on hand thinking the cloudyness was causing low oxygen
Happy to hear all is well! Keep an eye on everything as you slowly transition back to stable and healthy water quality.
Wow, it's good to hear the fishes made it.... this hobby is filled with hips and downs but experiences like this is what builds us up. In sorry you lost your anemone. Hope your wife's mom is good...

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