Baby bangaii cardinal!!

linda lee

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At least one. It's in my fuge. Some how it made its way down from the display.

What do I do? Should I feed? Fuge has life in it, but I need to see what else I can do to try to raise this little guy. Do I need to hatch some brine? Geez, I'm unprepared. Didn't realize this would happen.

He's about 1/8" long.
no clue, but Congrats! That's awesome!
I know there are many that breed out there, just google!
I'm thinking I should catch it and take it over to Bob's. Maybe the one he's raising would like an adopted sibbling.
They need newly hatched Brine shrimp. I will start a batch right now and they typically hatch in about 12 - 18 hours so I should have some for you tomorrow. BTW, VERY COOL!!!!!

Update. I only see the one.

I took a video with my camera phone, but you can barely make him out unless you know what you're looking for.

This was his trip to the fuge:

Entered the overflow from the display
Entered the intake tube
Tumbled down into the bubble trap (lot of turbulance there)
Exited the bubble trap by making his way through a maze of LR rubble
Entered the sump
Exited the sump and entered the 1" baffle
Exited the baffle at the top and entered the fuge

Now I'm worried he'll go to the other side of the fuge and over the waterfall baffle into the return. If he does, he's toast.

Got him out of the 'fuge and into a critter keeper with 'fuge water, fuge LR and an aerator.

If he lives through the night, he's off to Bob's tomorrow.

Terrible picture, because it's my camera phone, but here's the little guy, optimistically named *Survivor*

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ive heard you can feed them rotifers i think you can but them from your lfs ive never done it just somehing i heard so i'd wait for someone else to comment about it.
bobz;204817 said:
They need newly hatched Brine shrimp. I will start a batch right now and they typically hatch in about 12 - 18 hours so I should have some for you tomorrow. BTW, VERY COOL!!!!!


How do you do this?
They need newly hatched Brine shrimp. I will start a batch right now and they typically hatch in about 12 - 18 hours

You can buy brine shrimp eggs @ the LFS. You can also buy a hatchery, or make your own using plastic soda bottles.

I think Bob has a thread on here somewhere about doing this.

*Survivor* made it through the night and is quite active in the critter keeper. I worried about the temp, since there's no heater in there and the house cools a bit at night, but he seems fine.

Also in his incredible journey from display to fuge, he had to go through a couple of gate valves. I still marvel at how he came to be. Amazing.
that pretty cool he is a survivor. ive been think about getting me a few bangiis myself. lets see the parents.
making something to hatch the shrimp in is very simple. Here is a link with some instructions:"></a>

I made the following in about 30 mins from stuff laying around the house.

It works great and I have a constant supply feed the babies.

michaelf1478;204837 wrote: lets see the parents.

Here's one (I think papa) that managed to get into a picture I took for a previous thread. I'll try to get pictures of the pair when I get home tonight.

I was ho-hum about these fish when I first got them, but I'm liking them more and more.

Also, if you do buy a pair, please get some that are tank-bred as the wild-caught bangaiis are becoming a threatened species due to their limited habitat.

The cool thing about raising these fish is you never have to deal with eggs. The eggs stay in papa's mouth until they hatch and then he continues to carry the fry until they're fully developed. The male cardinal will go without food for 3 weeks before he releases his charges. What a great dad!

*Survivor* is a perfect, miniature replica of his parents.

The brine shrimp are the first foods, enriched with vitamins. When they get a bit bigger they take finely chopped mysis and other meats. Clowns need smaller foods, rotifers, etc... a good forum for info is:"></a>

Linda dropped "Survivor" off tonight and we fed him some newly hatched brine shrimp. He ate well and looks good! I am moving him in to a rearing tank and hopefully he will be ok. I'll keep you posted!