Baby BTA's ??


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I recently purchased a zoa rock from our local fish store and along with this rock are about 3 to 4 baby green BTA's. Is there such a thing? How long will it take for these to become full size and is there any kind of special care associated with these?
Just be certain they are in fact a true BTA. There are nuisance anemones that looks like BTA's...they can spread fast and cause problems. Maybe post a pic so they can be properly identified.
LOL, those are aptasias, kill them immediatly. Use joes juice or lemon juice. Inject them with a suringe and hurry!!!!!!!!!!
I thought the same thing.I left the store thinking i scored for a zoa rock with 3 of these on it for 10 bucks. majanos definatley.
I acually feed the **** things. ended up with 10 in a few weeks.
When i first got into the hobby , I was ripped off by a store that was on roswel rd. I paid about $8 lb for LR. I got some neat green tip anemones with it and thought I had got my money back due to the free coral attatched. Ha was i mistaken LOL, turned out to be aptasia.
Did the same thing when I was kid. Even moved it up closer to the flourecent lights (20yrs ago so yeah you can laugh) and fed it. Thought I was doing good keeping an anemone alive. Then it had "kids" and I thought that was really cool! Thank god my brother shot the tank with his bb gun and I learned what they really were as I mowed lawns saving up for my new 20gal high. (another fun kid fact-you can acclimate Wal-mart figure 8 puffers to saltwater, they don't get very big, but they make damsels seem like angels)
Thanks for the help, i was really hoping I had something. Ill post a pic tonight.