Back from 2000

welcome back minions GIF

We have a couple more members now
Been a long time. I just jumped back in this week.
setting up a 24 gal nano.
looking forward to getting back.
tobbob in Acworth
Ahhh jenns store. You know there is a lot of people on here that don't even know half of the stores that used to be open 10 years ago . Remember Tim at Keene Reef

Welcome back. Happy reefing
Chris c

Sent from my LM-K500 using Tapatalk
Ahhh jenns store. You know there is a lot of people on here that don't even know half of the stores that used to be open 10 years ago . Remember Tim at Keene Reef

Welcome back. Happy reefing
Chris c

Sent from my LM-K500 using Tapatalk
Man I miss that store..
Welcome back! I wasn't around then but we may be able to help with that old account. Pm sent
If we are talking about old stores what was that store off of 41 just north of Cumberland. I think it was a wholesaler or something but they hooked me up with some good stuff back in the day. Circa 2008-2010

I forgot about capuchino bay. I think they may have closed right as I was spooling up. A guy that gave me my first few frags recommended them.
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Yeah I miss them also! I helped Tim alot before he got out completly.

PFCDeitz before the name change.,
Back up and running. i was one of the original 8-10 members that used to meet at jenns store for our monthly meeting. I tried my old log on from 20 years ago with no success
There is a username "washowi" that goes way back to the beginning.
I spent a lot of time at Keen Reef. It was the closest store to the house and right on my way home from work. I get happy and excited when I see folks from the past coming back. Welcome back @wasabi : it's good to see you!

Do any of you old timers remember Einstein Aquatics? Chris (@percula ) was the owner and one of the founding member's of ARC. I get him to come on once in a while and I think He's going to be at the June 4th meeting in Decatur. In fact, he was over at the house a few days ago fragging up a big duncan colony.

I spent a lot of time at Keen Reef. It was the closest store to the house and right on my way home from work. I get happy and excited when I see folks from the past coming back. Welcome back @wasabi : it's good to see you!

Do any of you old timers remember Einstein Aquatics? Chris (@percula ) was the owner and one of the founding member's of ARC. I get him to come on once in a while and I think He's going to be at the June 4th meeting in Decatur. In fact, he was over at the house a few days ago fragging up a big duncan colony.

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Wasn't that the store at the guys house?
Yes. He had a storefront for a while and then ended up with the store in his Parent's basement. Not too far from downtown Tucker. He was only open like 2 days a week and just used the "store" as a storage and grow out for his tank maintenance business. Back in the day it was a good place to hand. He always had really weird stuff.