Back in the saltwater


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Hello All

I am returning to keeping a reef tank after at 8 year break. I have fond memories of some ARC meets/frag swaps from that time and looking forward to COVID-19 being over with so I can do it again. In the mean while I am about 47 days into my new tank cycling and having a great time building out all the supporting systems. I have a 105 gallon tank with a complicated sump/system plumbed to the basement for a total water volume of somewhere over 160 gallons. I will be adding some Chaeto (if I can find any) to a 40 gallon refegium in a few weeks. Ammonia has been at 0 PPM for 17 days and waiting on Nitrites to settle down. I had a diatom bloom and looking tonight noticed my first hair algae (keeping the lights off all the time is proving difficult). In the meanwhile my chromis are having a great time and are all healthy looking and happy.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon (virtual or in person). In the meantime just keep swimming.

Happy Reefing

Welcome back! And it makes me very happy to see someone cycling a tank responsibly by going slowly and testing their water regularly.

ARC has grown a lot recently! And we have a ton of very generous individuals here, with a large stockpile of stunning corals. I look forward to hearing how your tank develops
Yes!!!!!! Welcome!!!! I love looking at pictures. And Yes!!! I can’t wait for this crazy thing to go away.

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I just reread your post. Your plumbing system sounds so sick!!! I was trying to convince my friend to do the exact same thing, but his wife is against it, since the house was just built. But, my argument was that’s an even better reason because it’s a new house. Haha

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Welcome - I'm in Acworth - once you have your lighting up and running if you end up wanting 1 or 2 easy corals / things let me know.

I typically have pulsing xenia & often a fast growing monti or chalice I'll give away pieces of - and I have a few types of very good growing zoas that I'll generally sell pretty cheap.