Bad Crab


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So I picked up a nice coral today, and out popped a crab. I instantly worried, because I've heard so many mystery crab horror stories. He's missing one claw because I had to pry him out of a hole in the rock. Help me decide if he goes in or under the aquarium. For size reference, he's about the size of a dime.

Also i couldn't remember the general rule, was it hairy is scary?

it wont let me add it as attatchment, so i uploaded them...

if that doesn't work, does anyone mind uploading them for me if I e-mail you them?
I have no idea what that is, but it looks pretty devious to me. It's probably a good idea that you took him out...
The kinda cliqued rule of thumb says- if the crab is "hairy"- it is bad. This is likely what they call a gorilla crab. I would find it a new home- their diets and habits are inknown, except for the fact that they will trap and eat smaller mfish and possibly inverts.
I wish I had a picture. But along time ago I had a Purple crab that looked like that. i kept him because he was with my eel and lion fish. I wish i knew what he was. I've herd that there are alot of crabs that are unknown so they are just called ship crabs or something. Is this True?
jmaneyapanda wrote: if the crab is "hairy"- it is bad.

Someone has to defend the crabs..... :D">Myth #7 </a>

I had a gorilla crab in my tank for awhile. I haven't seen a molt for a few months so I'm not sure if he is still around.

Here is a pic of a molt.
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I definatly think that article is true about the hairs on them being a carnivore and herbivore. Kudoos Gwen
I was very careful in what I posted (save my bad typing). Please read the whole post. I specifically said the "cliqued rule of thumb", and that there habits are unknown. Personally, I wont take the chance in my aquarium, but to each, their own.
I have had 3 Mithrax, 2 Emerald Crabs in my reef tank and all execpt for one Mithrax getting too big and knocking corals over they have been a great addition to my reef. (my avatar picture) The Mithrax eat green hair algae by the ton! They have flat tongs on the ends of their claws that they use to harvest the algae. Crabs in the reef = good! Crabs on the body = bad!
flyingarmy wrote: I have had 3 Mithrax, 2 Emerald Crabs in my reef tank and all execpt for one Mithrax getting too big and knocking corals over they have been a great addition to my reef. (my avatar picture) The Mithrax eat green hair algae by the ton! They have flat tongs on the ends of their claws that they use to harvest the algae. Crabs in the reef = good! Crabs on the body = bad!

How about crabs in the stomach? jk jk I have a emerald in my reef tank but I dont need him in my tank. I need him in my overflow. I'm having to clean my overflow everyday because of the hair algae. It is really annoying.:boo:
Maroons15 wrote: How about crabs in the stomach? jk jk I have a emerald in my reef tank but I dont need him in my tank. I need him in my overflow. I'm having to clean my overflow everyday because of the hair algae. It is really annoying.:boo:

Is there some way you could eliminate the light entering your overflow? That might take care of it.
Thats what I was thinking. Like a cover or something. Maybe Black acrilic or something. I hope that wouldn't catch fire though because of the lights. Anyone have any other suggestions besides acrilic? I have no clue how to cut it and what to cut it with. All I need is a thin peice of it.