Bad day in the nano!


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Well as most know I sold my 29g and 30g tank and downgraded to a 6g. I added about 3lbs of LR to the 6g directly from my other tank (so i assume no dieoff) and a several coarls mainly LPS. Get home yesterday from work to a cloudy tank...hmm my frogspawn and candycane are melting! Ok no need to panic so I make some SW and do a 80% water change. Things start to look up as the night progresses. Polyps are extending, frogspawn is opening up, im thinking things are good the fish are swimming. So I figure things will settle down. Guess not I get home today to find an even cloudier tank that smells awful! All my fish are dead and all my LPS are dead the softies are fine...with the exception of my massive elephant ear that also melted away. Im pretty frustrated right now because I believe I took the necessary actions to add these corals and fish to the tank. There were 3 fish all small and one was leaving the tank at the next meeting. So I cant attribute it to bioload because there wasnt much of one, salinity is spot on, and the tank has been stable for atleast 6months. Any thoughts on the cause of this? I may be slow to respond as I am mixing more water as we speak.
Did stirring up the sand/detritus cause a amm/nitrate spike? That's all I could think of...
yeah I thought about that but I did a large water change and there really wasnt anything in that tank anyways that pooped! Argggh I am so **** frustrated right now!
Do you leave your house/tank room thermostat at the same temp when you are gone?
I can't put my finger on what could have changed that fast other than temp. and ph. It had to be an overload that wasn't finished spiking at the 80% water change if your ph checks out.
ok everything is dead for sure with the exception of the zoas... I need someone to meet me tonight that has a frag tank or something that can hopefully save these zoas....I have some nice ones that I dont want to see die! ****!!!!!
back to reality I finished the 100% water change now and am hoping the remaining corals will make it. Zoas are hardy I think they will be nevermind on someone meeting me. Weird thing is I cant find the dead clown I took apart the entire tank is it possible for a cuc and bristleworms to "clean up" a dead fish in less then 12hrs? Cause he is nowhere to be found and I inspected every individual rock up and down left and right!
Z, I know how you feel. Came home and my sons pico was completely wiped including the new clown goby. I think the little one cranked up the dial on the heater because it was 85 degrees. My older one is crushed with this wipe.
yup **** happens i guess! still sticking by the tank for now we will see!
LorenK;166346 wrote: Z, I know how you feel. Came home and my sons pico was completely wiped including the new clown goby. I think the little one cranked up the dial on the heater because it was 85 degrees. My older one is crushed with this wipe.

The one that I bagged up for you?

Sorry to hear that man, to both of you. I'm going through a fight with ich right now, so I feel where you're coming from. Where everyone I've talked to thinks I'm overreacting, I think it's serious enough to where you can lose your fish something needs to be done. Sorry for the high jack. :blush:
Small tanks are often more difficult to care for as they are less forgiving :sad:.

It was likely your 3 lbs of rock that you just added. I'm assuming you didn't keep the rock submerged at all times which is difficult to do. Even a quick jaunt in the air from tank to tank will be enough to kill most of the sponges on and in those rocks. Established rocks are filled with sponges, they make up the majority of the biomass in all live rock.

Anyways the theory is that the dead sponges likely created a small ammonia spike that might've been enough to kill a few fragile creatures like a snail or other sponges or something of that nature. Death in a tank can beget more death as the ammonia keeps piling up and snowballing until everything dies...

Sorry for your loss man. I've always said you're welcome to anything in my tank. Just come on by and pick up some frags. I even have some candy cane frags that originally came from your tank that you're welcome to.
thanks guys I appreciatte it..I am going to let the tank settle down for a while then easy back in to it. Things look better right now so hopefully tomorrow it willl be even better.
hey man i have one true perc i can give you that i have brought back from almost dead once your tank is stable again and may have a few little frags i can brake you off just give it some time and maybe by next meeting ill go and take them for you let me know
sweet vic thanks bro ill let you know when I think the tank is ready again