Bad Sand???


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So i have a 37 gallon full reef with live sand that i got from a private beach in FL. I started cycling the tank in september and had my first fish in november. Since the new year i have started to devlop a large gray spot under my sand bed. I've talked to 2 different LFS one says it is good another bad. What should i do and if it is bad how do i fix it.
Can you shoot a picture?!?

Have you disturbed your sand bed at all lately.. Could be detrus under the sand bed.
from what depth did the sand come from? was it on the beach? or 20' out or 200' out? There are a number of pollutiants that are in the sand and alot wind up on the shores. It gets cleaner the further out ya go but thats just my guess.....however it also sounds like a "dead spot" in the sand where there is no anerobic process happing.
Xyzpdq0121;135821 wrote: Can you shoot a picture?!?

Have you disturbed your sand bed at all lately.. Could be detrus under the sand bed.

Yeah i can put op some pics. tomorrow though cause i have to compress them. And no have not touch the sand since i found out it could be deadly!!!
saltwater junky;135906 wrote: I wouldnt use sand from a beach
I wanted to because it looks good and is really small grain.

jade76;135822 wrote: from what depth did the sand come from? was it on the beach? or 20' out or 200' out? There are a number of pollutiants that are in the sand and alot wind up on the shores. It gets cleaner the further out ya go but thats just my guess.....however it also sounds like a "dead spot" in the sand where there is no anerobic process happing.

I dug the sand up on shore about 2-3ft below the surface. But here is the catch a buddy of mine used the same sand from sand beach. We just got them at different time maybe that is why??? That is what the LFS said about no anerobic process.
Offtopic regarding your gray spot, but your beach sand may be silica sand and not aragonite sand. If a tsp dissolves in vinegar, then it'll help buffer your system. If it does not dissolve then its silica, then it will not help your alkalinity/PH and can be a contributor to diatoms. Regardless, either type will be helpful in reducing nitrates provided that it's over 3" deep.
i just read this on wet media : Deep Sand Bed (Max Depth?) - 05/16/05
One article reads:
"The depth of the bed (and particle size) are critical to provide the correct conditions. If the sand bed is not deep enough, and the oxygen level does not drop enough, the sand bed will produce nitrite from the nitrate. A disaster. Conversely, if the sand bed is too deep, the entire bottom of the bed can turn anoxic and produce sulfur dioxide. If this happens the affected sand turns black. If this black area is disturbed or sampled it releases the characteristic rotten egg smell. This chemical is of course toxic"
What is too deep? what is the max a DSB can be?
<Is this from the WWM Website? <<Is assuredly not. RMF>> Do have a read here and at the related links in blue at the top of the page -
a>  Regards, Eric R.>
You that makes since cause when i put the sand in the tanks for the first time it smelled like that. did not think anything of it though. So what should i do since the tanks is up and running w/ livestock?