Ballast question


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I'm stupid with ballast and I'll admit it first to ward off reef lighting jargons or any assumption that I know what i'm talking about.

HQI ballast = electronic ballast = no flicker when turned on = cost more?

MHI regular coil + mag type ballast = flicker when turned on = less expensive?

I ask because my PFO 400w X 2 ballast have no sticker on them, and PFO makes both HQI and regular for their 400w fixtures, so I'm not sure which kind it is. I want to know what kind it is because i need to get a comparable bulb.

I'm extremely sure a Iwasaki 400w 10000-14000K is my best choice after seeing the par results (double any competetor). But PLEASE correct me if i'm wrong, as it happens so often on this forum.
I would call PFO.

There are magnetic HQI ballasts. Does your ballast come in a large aluminum enclosure? This would indicate that your ballasts are magnetic. There should be a small label on them with a model number. This will tell you whether you have the HQI, pulse or probe start version of their magnetic ballast. PFO does sell electronic ballast however they are mounted in a much smaller white enclosure.
yea i'm just open the thing up. I had a magnetic ballast and this one don't sound too much like it. It have a high pitched hum which probably means it run on a higher frequency. Yes it does have the alum case but the magnetic ballast they make also have the same case, they look EXACTLY alike and have no model or serial numbers on them... hum...