Bangai cardinal behavior


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I just picked up two Banggai CArdinals from Optimum last night. I stopped at the store over two days to observe, 1 was just fine but the other was a little concerning, this one stayed in the corner and had like a nervous twitch. When I would put my hand up to the tank it would swim away normal but then start back and twitch.

Anyway, I decided that it was OK and that it would likely change behavior once in another tank with a little rock and structure so got then and put into my quarantine last night. But still the same thing, this one fish kinda sits at a 30-degree angle facing downward and is twitching. I did read the females twitch to attach males but now I'm not really thinking this is what it is. Too early to say about feeding as it has only been in my tank for 12 hours or so.

They are in quarantine so I'm not worried about anything yet, and I've been doing a run of several weeks with Paraguard to medicate for disease, but I'm just wondering with this behavior if this fish is literally damaged in some way?

One thing I've always noticed about banggai's is that they really do twitch when they're just hanging out in one spot. I just thought that's what they did to stay in one spot. At this point I wouldn't be too worried since I've seen it on a lot of them. I've also always had cardinal fish that were pretty easy to frighten and would hide for quite a while when anything new happened. I would not be too worried yet if I were you. If the fins look good and the fish is eating, my bet is that it's just a little freaked out and twitchy.
Yes they kinda twitch swim, mine go really fast when feeding time is around,,, pretty fish but they are not very active swimmers!!
On a similar note, I used to use dither fish whenever I had banggais to help bring them out more. I found that blue/green chromis worked pretty well since they never seemed to bother the cardinals and they were always out swimming. I've heard that anthias work pretty well too if you're looking to get them out and active more.
Oh No! I've got way more twitching going on than in this video. I'll try to capture it in a video later tonight and post it up for all to review. Compared to what I've got that fish in this video is on valium! ;)
Well Optimum was good about taking the fish back and giving me credit. They agreed that something was not right, potentially a swim bladder issue and that makes sense due to the fish not staying straight and angled downward most of the time.
Well Optimum was good about taking the fish back and giving me credit. They agreed that something was not right, potentially a swim bladder issue and that makes sense due to the fish not staying straight and angled downward most of the time.
Yeah, I was thinking swim bladder because it looked like he couldn't control that he kept floating upwards.