Bare bottom tanks


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Dacula, GA
Who has one (or more) and how do you keep them from looking nasty? My QT has been running for longer than my DT and it’s looking really bad now. Did a recent deep cleaning before adding some new fish and it’s looking really nasty. Way too soon to move anyone into DT but it needs help. Any suggestions? My last big cleaning only a week or 2 ago lasted about a day!5A28D0D0-6412-4768-96E7-34E0FBC063A7.jpegD72E365E-7D2D-4C2E-8574-DE17040298E4.jpeg60CCC316-0AAD-47EA-9BCF-E94833C71711.jpeg
No because it’s a QT and most inverts are sensitive to meds. That being said I haven’t medicated it at all. I observe before I medicate. They’ve been in there over a week now and no signs of illness. Maybe I should throw a snail and urchin in there?
I'd get a big turbo snail . I keep one and move him from the display to the fuge to the QT as needed . Much easier to move then an urchin and cheaper.
Your QT is 10000x better looking than mine. Just sayin. Mine's got a LOT of algae, but blue hippo tang is in there and he's eating it so I'm letting him have at it. He's looking so bright and healthy... I've got a 110 that will be taking the place of my 40g soon so he will be put in there once I do that changeover. Yes - another tank.. LOL
Could I put it in a cup or Tupperware container? I’m planning on starting up a sump on this tank
This is what I'm doing with my ulva macro. Its working so far.20200612_175035.jpgI also have some red ogo20200612_175158.jpg