Battery Backup


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Battery backup for your tank.
If you have concerns about power outages and your pump, heater, etc., I came across this in Lowes, but you can get it anywhere they sell KOBALT electric lawn equipment.
This device attaches to the battery that came with your KOBALT weed wacker.
Now I don’t know what your minimum electrical load is, nor do I know how long this will last, you’d have to do your own homework. Do a search on the power inverter for the specifications.
This is an inexpensive short term solution for the paranoid.


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Its not hard to build a battery back up to last a day, or even more. How long you want it to run and how much you got to spend is the kicker. You can build a battery back up to run pumps and lighting or a complete set up including heaters. But were I am at, I only loose power during hurricane season (100 miles south of Atlanta) Interstate batteries sells a 31m deep cycle battery for $200 (I purchased for $129 before inflation in 2022) you can run 2, 4, or 6 (best) to power a converter(harbor freight). I use Noco chargers to maintain the batteries when not in use. The times that I needed mine, the heaters were not needed and for 2 days I kept my tank going. I did change the wavemaker settings and disabled one of them and relied on basic flow with the included return pump flow. Lighting time was cut by 2 hours. This gave me ample time to set up my generator and determine the needs going forward. If you spend a lot of money on fish, coral, and equipment. why skimp. You can loose thousands because of the forth coming politically, green energy, and weather black outs that are coming