BC insanity tenuis & WD

They sit next to each other in the tank for 3 months now. The left one is WD and right is the insanity. I assume they receive the same light and flow. Look identical to me, other than the BC insanity grows way faster. :( So sad I got two same corals.
Sorry to say, but that goes for a lot of corals in this hobby. Coral farmers make a name for their "brand" then another farmer has one similar but not a direct lineage, so they make their own name and so on. Then there are the other people who buys some random coral and then ask other hobbyist to identify it so its all just guesses and then sold as that when there is no direct lineage. Hence why I stopped buying corals by names a while ago and just go based on looks.

Just look all the different variants of gold torches. It use to be just indo or aussie gold, now its all these crazy names like holy grail, ny knicks, dragonsoul, blah blah blah. Then you get the argument one is brighter than the other but then when it goes into your system, they all look the same. Ask me how I know? LOL.
Oh, to add to this rant... LOL. Am I the only one that ever wonders why there are rarely ever any large colony pics of these 🔥 Corals? Its always just these crazy over saturated pic of a "mini" colony and some frag that looks like it was painted on MS Paint with pastel colors only? But hey, if they can and people willing to buy it up, why not I guess?
That's true. So now I m stick to TSA, bkchem, jf and mattv now. Their corals have some very unique colors!
That's true. So now I m stick to TSA, bkchem, jf and mattv now. Their corals have some very unique colors!
I remember when JF came out with his stuff, but at least all his stuff look like his pics and were unique when they released them. Nowadays its like everyone has their own special name for their own wild frag they got to color up with some spin on it using some photoshop skills or trick lighting to make a few extra bucks. But again, we have people who have more money than brains in this hobby and they're willing to pay, so why not?
They are pretty corals regardless of what ya wanna call them. :)
Sometimes it takes a little growing out for frags to get those colors we all love:)
I’d let them grow about the size of your head and see what they look like then !

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