Beautiful BB


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I really like the aquascaping.

Also, their [IMG]">blog</a> devoted to the modern aquarium with a recent entry on the new MRC skimmer.
Alan's and Lee's look great still, they've been set-up for quite a while! I haven't seen Lee's in person, but plan to very soon. May have to make a trip up there pretty soon.
thanks Steve, you're welcome anytime. This guys tank prolly will stay like that. Very little rock and a very expensive tank will result in keeping it clean. Mine on the other hand, I love coraline algae.....and could care less about being that anal on keeping a tank clean :)
Thanks bro. Yea I love the BB too. I love growth so pretty soon all that will be clean is the front glass. I want 3 sides coral! :)
So, you guys like the waythat looks? I HATE it! It reminds me of that tank in the GA aquarium by the gift shop, where those beautiful fish are swimming amongst the glass trinkets. A travesty. Beautiful rockwork, corals and fish, all ruined by the insitutional glass panes.


I know that Glassbox design fellow pretty well, and he ais a very advanced aquarist, so I wouldnt doubt that his tank looks like that all the time.