beginner coral opinion


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well we all didn't just jump right into saltwater with lps and sps corals and some of the more beautiful specimens, myself i started with just saltwater in my tank for a few months then a few fishes for a few months more then added a few of the really easy softies to work on my personal skill and build my confidence before i move on to some of the more demanding stuff.
we all know that new hobby crash is a really big confidence buster and in some cases even deters you from continuing what you started, that being said although some of the softies can become over grown and may even become a nuisance later on, it make you fell good to have grown(not killed) something on your own.
i guess i'm still new to the hobby and may always be, i can't bash the xenias, buttons and some other easy corals that has gotten me this far, so for all the newbies when you hear the veterans call then a plague or tank herpes or other cool names, it's not that its not good for your tank but as you move on you just need to adjust your tank content.
hope most understand what i'm saying and willing to chime in a 2 cents in a positive prospective or not(it's all welcome).
MYREEFCLUB0070;956037 wrote: when you hear the veterans call then a plague or tank herpes or other cool names, it's not that its not good for your tank but as you move on you just need to adjust your tank content.

True, true.

My first was....the (now dreaded) Kenya Tree.
I still have it. Still really, really like it. It's been sitting in my son's tank for about a year.
Now, if only I could find a birth control for that bugger, I'd move it back to the main tank. The way that thing throws off babies, you'd think it was on government welfare.

My other (not so dreaded) was the Green Star Polyp.
My mistake was placing it on the rock. Now, it's like super pretty, Kudzu. It wants to take over the rock and everything else on it. If I had it to do over again, I'd put it on it's own, island rock and let it run amok and then trim (frag) everything that starts to creep off of the island.

Seriously, I agree. Just because "veterans" claim that something is a PITA piece, does not mean it's not worthy.

The mistakes I've made were due to lack of research.
Had I researched the GSP, I would have known about it's behavior and would have bought it anyway. But...I would have segregated it. the newbies (I'm still new), don't take harsh words to heart. some research before you buy. Don't listen to the LFS dude. He's pushing product and does not care if it runs around like a nut case, in your tank</em>.
Y-Not;956056 wrote: True, true.

My first was....the (now dreaded) Kenya Tree.
I still have it. Still really, really like it. It's been sitting in my son's tank for about a year.
Now, if only I could find a birth control for that bugger, I'd move it back to the main tank. The way that thing throws off babies, you'd think it was on government welfare.

My other (not so dreaded) was the Green Star Polyp.
My mistake was placing it on the rock. Now, it's like super pretty, Kudzu. It wants to take over the rock and everything else on it. If I had it to do over again, I'd put it on it's own, island rock and let it run amok and then trim (frag) everything that starts to creep off of the island.

Seriously, I agree. Just because "veterans" claim that something is a PITA piece, does not mean it's not worthy.

The mistakes I've made were due to lack of research.
Had I researched the GSP, I would have known about it's behavior and would have bought it anyway. But...I would have segregated it. the newbies (I'm still new), don't take harsh words to heart. some research before you buy. Don't listen to the LFS dude. He's pushing product and does not care if it runs around like a nut case, in your tank</em>. the gov. welfare part......lmao.
to know me is to love When I say things like " tank herpes" I'm saying it out of love and I'm trying to help the beginner. There are a lot of pretty and extremely easy coral to grow that are not evasive.
heathlindner25;956080 wrote: to know me is to love When I say things like " tank herpes" I'm saying it out of love and I'm trying to help the beginner. There are a lot of pretty and extremely easy coral to grow that are not evasive.

Wasn't individualizing, just a general statement and I get it cause I'd give the same advice now, but still some people would like a tank full of weeds, I did for awhile, my confidence was through the roof then I had to clean house.... Lol.
Acandoit;956088 wrote: I have seen tanks that looked absolutely awesome! I distinctly remember a blue clove polyp tank Jenn had in her LFS that was beautiful.

Same here.

With proper planned parenthood, GSP, Blue Clove and the like can certainly be eye catching, center pieces.

But, as with life, if you failed to listen & learn from those that know as well as do your own research, you could end up with a mess that you'll regret.

I love my GSP. I really dig the transition it goes through in a 24 hour cycle. Going from a leathery, pimple covered surface to looking like a gently flowing field of grass is pretty darn cool.

When ever I give away GSP or Kenya, I make sure that they person receiving it knows how invasive it can be and I give them suggestions as to how I would place it. Then I tell them to loose my number and do not call me again. ;)
One thing that no one should buy is those button polps. Am I the only one that thinks this? I think that they are 100x worse than Kenya trees and I just go most of then out of my tank. They took over and killed a ton of coral...
Acandoit;956279 wrote: I would respectfully disagree as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and aside from full disclosure on the growth habits, why would you want to restrict someone from something they may enjoy?

Real story: When I had my 93 corner bowfront up and running, it was primarily a softie/chalice tank. Out of the dozens of varieties of exotic designer zoas and chalices, guess what struck my brother's "unrefined" eye as cool? Yup, those darn buttons!! I had to explain to him that this coral was at times considered a nuisance coral and certainly not to be in the same league as my rastas or My Miami chalice!!! The nerve!

Lmao.....I like it!
Acandoit;956279 wrote: I would respectfully disagree as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and aside from full disclosure on the growth habits, why would you want to restrict someone from something they may enjoy?

Real story: When I had my 93 corner bowfront up and running, it was primarily a softie/chalice tank. Out of the dozens of varieties of exotic designer zoas and chalices, guess what struck my brother's "unrefined" eye as cool? Yup, those darn buttons!! I had to explain to him that this coral was at times considered a nuisance coral and certainly not to be in the same league as my rastas or My Miami chalice!!! The nerve!

LOL. I'm suppried he picked out button polyps In stead a chalice haha. It's funny because sometimes they are completely green and sometimes their brown. I'm sure their are ALOT of people that like them not just newbies I just can't stand how fast they grow. I originally had some in my sand bed and then they started poping up out of no
My nemesis is those dang blue shrooms. I nuke them with napalm almost every other water change and they still pop up out of nowhere