Best HOB skimmer?????


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I am fairly new to saltwater and currently I have a css 65 HOB skimmer and it has overflowed a couple of times now. I am just ready to upgrade. So what is everyone's pick on the HOB skimmers?:unsure:

I personally love the Aqua C remora. I'll have one for sale soon if youre interested. They are rated up to 75g tanks.
I have heard good things about them. But never really seen one up close or at work. Have any pics of it working?
cant really get pics of it cuz the chamber has tinted plexi. They do a great job at pullin muck out thats for sure. Here are some pics of what its pulled after 4 days on my tank. I do however run it wet cuz my tank is a BB. But you can adjust the height of the collection cup to suite your needs.
I've got a Ramora Pro with the skimmer box I'm selling if you are interested. Its got a pretty big collection cup. I've got an extra cup that has the drain on it but then you have to cut into the acrylic on Ramora pro if you want to use it on it.
So far it sounds likr the remora is the HOB of choice. Are the keen to overflowing like the css are?
because of how they are designed, they cant overflow. If the collection cup were to get too full, the collection would just fall back down the raiser hole; you acn kinda see what I'm talking about in the second pic.
i also have a remora pro on my 26 gallon bow with a mag 3 pumping some major guts!!! :up:

So far so good! Best HOB IMO for a tank 55 or under
Terminator II is the best one I can think of. And it's recirculating. Its huge, and it owns protein like my mother owns me.
How are you running the terminator 2 with the sumpless kit or in the sump? Have you had any problems with it? I can't find any pics of it hooked up.
AquaC and the TurboFloter Multi are the best proven ones out there. The two that are interesting are the Terminator 2 with the sumpless kit someone already mentioned. I ran across several people who raved about it. The other is the new Octopus HOB. Not a lot of people have used it yet, but those who have used it have good things to say. My last pick and this is the wildcard is the upcoming MRC HOB skimmer. MRC is known for making a really good skimmer and I am sure the HOB version will be really nice. You would have to call to get more info as I have no idea when it will be released.
I run the terminator II with my own direct feed from one of my over flows, which is about 400g per hour, give or take. It is extremely efficient, Never Ever had any micro bubbles escape because of the special trap they have, which looks like a mini-waterfall. I find it most efficient in the range of 300-400GPH.

It ripes everything out the water, even cyclopeze gets strained out.
I finally found pics of a terminator jooked up and running. It really looks like its pulling out all kind of stuff. I have heard from about 3 other people who have the terminator 2 that their customer service is terrible. But it does look very interesting. I am going to contact MRC to see when they are planning to release the HOB skimmer.