Best Phosphate test kit?"></a>

Best accuracy compared to the low range phosphate.
MarquiseO;1008502 wrote:"></a>

Best accuracy compared to the low range phosphate.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, is that the only difference between the hanna's? One is for low range and one for regular?
I only use a lower range kit and prefer the Red Sea phosphate pro test kit with the colorimeter wheel. You can also get an "algae control" kit that has both low phosphate and low nitrate kits for a reasonable price. Both really easy to use and refill kits are available.
I like Seachem's kit. Easy, accurate enough for typical hobbyist use, and affordable. It also comes with reference solution to calibrate/verify.

Test Kit Accuracy

Hanna Phosphate Low Range - +/-0.04 ppm

Hanna Phosphorus Ultra Low Range
- 5ppb or 0.01 (Conversion ?ppb x 3.1 /1000)

Red Sea Phosphate Kit - +/- 0.02 ppm

Seachem Phosphate Test Kit - +/-0.01 - 0.1 ppm

API Phosphate Test Kit - Doesn't state Accuracy

The best available test is the Hanna Phosphorus Ultra Low Range. Seachem accuracy ranges which is not good. Consistency is key with phosphate and alkalinity tests.
I found my red sea phosphate kit to be very inaccurate. I've been using Elos but can't find accuracy easily on line.
outdrsyguy1;1008953 wrote: I found my red sea phosphate kit to be very inaccurate. I've been using Elos but can't find accuracy easily on line.

Just wondering how you know it's very inaccurate? That's what I'm using and think the same but haven't double checked with anything!!
Human error such as too many drops, improper mixing technique, and reading the results incorrectly are some reasons why people get wrong readings. My quess to the biggest issue why people get inconsistencies or incorrect readings is because of improper cleaning of the test vials/trays. Most people just rinse it with tap water which leaves behind residue in the vial which can interfere with your next test.
barry_keith;1008996 wrote: I dig my Hanna checker. I can text several times in a row and always come up with the same results.

Seems like Hanna is the easiest to read and fairly accurate.