Best Photo Period Duration


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How long does everybody with T-5's run their lights each day? I'm asking because I've started to notice a little, of what I think is bleaching/browning from too much light. Here is my set up:

Lights: 48 inch Current USA Nova Extreme Pro 6x54 watt
Bulbs: 1 6500 K Geisman bulb, 2 10000K Current Slimpaq bulbs, 3 Current 460 nm actinic bulbs
Tank: 125 gallons 48inches long, 31 inches wide and 20 inches high (SPS, LPS and softies all in tank along with Clams and anemones)
Photo period: 2 Current 460nm actinic bulbs run from 9:00AM to 11:30 AM and 6:00PM to 9:00PM, all 6 bulbs run from approximately 11:30 AM-6:00 PM (6 1/2 hours)

Lights are hanging approximately 6 inches from top of water in tank, so from the bottom of the tank to the lights is approximatley 26 inches. I know the best way to figure out if the lights are to much is observation/experimentation or just to go out and buy a par meter, but I wanted to get some opinions or other examples of photo periods from fellow T-5 owners. I'm probably going to experiment with placement of the corals in the tank and different photo periods over the next few months. What do you guys think?
I am running my T5s for 10 hours actinics and 8 hours for 2 10000k and 1 12000k.
My total photoperiod is 8 hours, 6 hours with both banks running. I have 7 x 80W t5s.