Best Phyto From What's Around

sj miller guy

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Well seeing as in my area all I can get is Kent marine a few other products, I was wondering what what the best Phyto that I could get would be. No one around me carrys DT's which is what I wanted to try.

What has everyone had luck with?

I'm located in Statesboro btw.

I've used Kent Phytoplex with good results. Good for non-live food.
I have been using DTs and Phytofeast and both have good results.

Ever thought about growing your own?
I've used DT's, but my tank is no example to base any quality results on... That's just what I've had recommended to me by anyone and everyone I've asked.

Brandon, how would you go about growing your own?
How would you go about growing it yourself?

What's the deal with the phytofeast? I haven't heard of that one.
SJ Miller Guy;39787 wrote: How would you go about growing it yourself?

Ya the link above is a good one... there are a few more that I would need to dig up.

Phytofeast is made by a company called Reef Nutrition (
a>). All their products are selling like mad. Seems to be some good stuff. I feed both DTs and Phytofeast so I do not know which is better or doing what. I will say though, each product has different species of phyto in it and I believe feeding a variety of different "types" of food is good no matter what, even if it is just different types of phyto.
I'd be happy to give you some starter. You really only need a cup or so to get going.

Mine is a mix by now of Nanochloropsus and Tetraselmis (or whichever has achieved evolutionary dominance in the farm).
Thanks for all the helpful tips and suggestions. I actually went to the lfs in Savannah today and he finally brought back DT's. I bought the last bottle.

He sold out of his delivery in three days, i hope that tells him something.
I used Kent for months (and still do from time to time). I switched to DTs last month, but haven't noticed any improvement over Kents, but I plan on giving it more time.