Best Skimmers for Mid size tanks


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Does anyone know if Jebo Skimmers are any better than SeaClone? the price difference betwen a 180 Jebo and 150 SeaClone is about $40.00.
I got a 72G. I plan on either hanging it from the back or setting it inside a sump.
For an in sump and best bang for your buck...I'd go with an octopus.

I just checked... this is already flying over my head. Is the needlewheel something that allows it to work better? Not all octopus have the same design. What should I get in this case? not only that, but the smallest one they have is for 120G and runs for $250... Can this be bought cheaper somewhere?
Found this..."></a>#

Has anyone used this, can it be found cheaper... any additional thoughts?

im a das ...they will out perform any of those skimmers but its about 280 bucks start .i have one on my 90 with 20 fish and its still doing a great job.
+1 Barbara

It might sound over your head now but all of these skimmers suggested can be modified slightly to produce "MORE POWER" agh agh agh.
You might also look into AquaC Urchin or Remora skimmers. I've been very happy with my Urchin.

Chrisjet is right. Stay away from the Seaclone. Those things are crap.
Dude, do not buy a Seaclone, if you want to throw away money there are planty of us on the boards that would be glad to take it. I know, as most of us do, that when you first start money is tight and you don't want to put that much money in a piece of equipment. This is your most important piece of equipment.

The Octopus skimmers are nice, as are the ASM (EuroReef knocock offs, but they work). If you have to have a HOT skimmer look at the Aqua C Remora's, they are alot better than Aquarium Systems skimmers. I for years used a CPR Bak-Pak skimmer and it worked, the newer ones have a better output design and better pumps (find one that comes w/ the Accela? pumps, not Rio). Reefinf on a budget can be difficult, but can be done. G'Luck.
scour the internet forums. there's one that shows up everyday for an awesome price. most of the times, they're modded with the right ones.

IMO, no reason to buy brand new.
Bubble King, Euro Reef, and Deltek all quality... but you will pay for it. Also look into MRC thay are local and make a great product.

If you do get coralife superskimmer, i recommend modding the needlewheel using fishing line. I did it two weeks ago on my coralife 65 and the performance is much better.
I would not waste your money on a Seaclone. Save up and get a good skimmer. But if you want one i have a seaclone that you can have for $20. I also have a Insump Octopus NW 200 <u>modded</u> you can have for $170. Just PM me if you want ether.

Stock Octopus and ASM are fair skimmers and you could be happy with ether. Double their air intake with a mod and you will have a very good skimmer.
Put out a little more and get a Supper skimmer. They are not as good as ASM ot Octopes, but are geel for starter. Price are not bad either.. You can use the Supper as a hang ont he back skimmer also. If you look hard enough you will see FS for cheaper then you can get at any store.

Barbara are going to hate this, but if I have a choice I would go with Octopus over ASM anytime of the day. I can say this cause I have both and I find that the Octopus are easyer to use and are better build.

Roland Jacques How doyou double the air intake in the ASM? I got a G2, but don't know how to get it to take in more air.
Im not up on exactly how much air a ASM pump can pull with a mesh mod. i no of people who have at least doubled the air on them by just a mesh mod.

The Octopus pump is a better pump for modding IMO. I got them as high as 40 SCFH (stock 9 SCFH)