Best Time to Buy/Sell on Forum


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Greeting all.

In late summer I had what I called an "Out of Town Meltdown" where I lost 100% of life from my tank. You can read about it on a previous thread here."></a>

I just got back on the site for the first time since August as I have a lot of equipment to sell. I have a master plan to set up a smaller frag tank in the future but need the funds.

My question is: What is the best time to sell equipment on this forum. I am in no rush to set up my new tank so I could wait until spring if that is the best time. Thanks for your help.
what equipment do you have? i have a new tank I am looking for equipment for and have two smaller tanks i have to use for trades
Leading up to Christmas seems like a good time to me. If I needed something I would not be opposed to asking my wife if I could buy it as my Christmas gift. :)
I have many items. Such as a biocube, and a complete 75 gal setup with all the bells and whistles. My though is that many members here have kids and any extra cash will be going toward gifts at what not and not tanks.
This time of year is ok. January seems the worst as most people seem over extended over December.
Put up what you have, stick to your prices, and bump weekly. I don't think there is a bad time of year outside Jan/Feb like Seth mentioned.
I think Jan/Feb is fine because of tax season. A lot of people usually get income taxes in February and start a spending spree.
Dec-Mar is the best time IMO.
a lot of us get our significant others to buy us equipment for christmas and they dont mind saving a lil money!! :)