Best way to buffer ATO water


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Now that the outside temps are up my evap has increased considerably and I've noticed my ALK falling a little more between dosing. My RO/DI top off water has undetectable ALK and I need to try and buffer it a little to avoid dosing so heavy. Is there a good FW alkalinity buffer you guys recommend. I haven't noticed any change in pH or trace.....just alk.
28 gallon with lots of SPS. Really heavy demand on ca and alk. Under normal circumstances (low evap) CA will drop about 20 ppm and ALK will drop about .5 (dkH not meq) in 24 hours. I dose 8 ml of 2-part daily.
Yup, set up a kalk reactor with your ATO. It'll save money on dosing as well.
UNtil I fidure out a way to install a sump, reactors are out of the question. Could I dose something like SeaChem Reef Buffer in the ATO water in the meantime?