Best way to stick corals to rocks?


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Is there a type of aquarium safe apoxy, etc.? How do most of you go about this? :) I've been taking advantage of holes in my LR up until now, but I'm hoping to get more corals soon and willl need an alternative method.
Thanks guys!
super glu gel is the best. Glu it, and stick it in the water with out much wait time. Once the glu hits the water it'll starte to bond faster.
Just buy superglue gel from any store. Make sure its the gel or it will almost be impossible to use. You can also buy reef epoxy in different colors, great for hard corals and attaching LRR. If you are trying to attach softies, there are different methods for different types. Good luck!
you can get it anywhere. HD, lowes, cvs, walgreens, walmart.....the list goes on. Just do yourself a favor....maybe goto HD and buy the multi pack, you're gonna use it quite often and having more is better. Just make sure it says "GEL" on the pack. Regular super glu wont work. There are also tons of different makers of it as well. I've used pretty much every kind made, and they all work the same. buy the cheaper one and save some cash.
Definately buy the multi pack because those little tubes don't last long at all and it will get really expensive!
Gel is easier but regular superglue will work too. I use both. REg is much much cheaper but can be messy.
Skriz;128800 wrote: Gel is easier but regular superglue will work too. I use both. REg is much much cheaper but can be messy.

OK I have to ask. (I'm Michael's momma btw :) ) Doesn't the superglue affect the water? I mean when I use the stuff the fumes are intense. How does this not affect the water quality?

Thanks, we have been trying to figure out what to use for a long time now. I would love for this to work...
Look for cyanoacrylate on the package. Also, soft corals it is usually best to use wedding veil.
superglue (crazy glue) gel is reef safe. No effect that I can notice at all.
superglue will form a "skin" as soon as it hits the water, preventing it from escaping into the water column. It is perfectly safe. You want to avoid leaving the coral exposed to the superglue out of the water for a long period of time since the glue will actually burn the coral. But, if you glue it and dip it in the water, then you're fine.

TO answer your question, the superglue does NOT affect the water negatively.

To use the regular superglue, I take the tube underwater and squeeze some out in the spot where I want to stick the frag. I then take the frag and rub it on the glue bubble and hold it there for a few seconds. All done. :)
Ya super glue has little effect and is non-toxic. Heck, in the military, and now some hospitals, it has been used to seal cuts were stitches can not be used due to time, location, or conditions.
Xyzpdq0121;128819 wrote: Ya super glue has little effect and is non-toxic. Heck, in the military, and now some hospitals, it has been used to seal cuts were stitches can not be used due to time, location, or conditions.

I have seen that too -- for example old people with dry, thin skin can get painful cracks in their skin -- the dermatologist will just use the superglue to glue the skin back together.

By the way, I found a putty that will work too for this kind of stuff if you need to create more "material" to work with -- for example I got a candy cane coral that had an extremely short "stem" that forced me to touch the coral itself, which is extremely delicate with a sharp coral skeleton inside that will easily cut it if you touch it, which I found out the hard way.

So I used the putty to create a "base" for the coral that I could handle and use to stick it to a rock so that it came forward from the rock few inches a bit to make it easier to feed all the heads and see them.

The stuff is called "Aquastik stone grey epoxy putty for underwater use" and it is by two little fishies. It turns into a "rock" underwater and gets covered with algae so you don't notice it.
YOu can also use an epoxy from home depot that looks just like it at 1/10th of the price. I don't remember the brand, I'll look when I get home and let you know but I've used both it and super glue gel for years!
It's much cheaper to go to a hobby store and buy the super glue there...

Something like
It's called aquamend and it's in a grey package. They stuff is grey and white and you knead it togethere. Personally for sps, I super glue gel the SPS frag to this epoxy then glue the epoxy to the rock. Best solution I've found.
kwl1763;129833 wrote: It's called aquamend and it's in a grey package. They stuff is grey and white and you knead it togethere. Personally for sps, I super glue gel the SPS frag to this epoxy then glue the epoxy to the rock. Best solution I've found.

That's a good idea -- the epoxy is nice to create custom shapes with but it usually takes a few tries to get it to stick to stuff when it is wet, and it deforms / falls off pretty easily until it cures.
A few posts back, Cameron mentioned using wedding veil to attach soft corals. This is very clever, and Brandon had described the technique to me recently. Last week I was in Whole Foods and noticed a package of unbleached cheesecloth, which I use for cooking. I used it to attach a loose Xenia to a small rock and it worked beautifully!
The Dollar Store next to Capp Bay usually has 3 packs of super glue gel for $1.