big bristle worm


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I just pulled a 6-7 inch (when extended) bristle worm out of my seahorse tank.....should I put him in my reef tank sump?
I have a couple that size and bigger in my 30.

No problems with them.
Saw something today that was interesting.....

Linda fed her rock anemone which closes in on itself to eat its food.

As it closed a huge bristle worm came out of a hole that would normally be blocked by the anemone, slithered into the anemone and took out a giant chunk of the anemones dinner.

It then slithered back into its hole.

Thought these guys were nocturnal. I have decided to call him "Daywalker".
I have bristle worms in my seahorse tank and they have never bothered them. They usually just eat up the leftover food. I think they are harmless.
They are harmless to all but my fingers while aquascaping! The one really memorable sting was from one about the size of a pencil. I must have taken hundreds of hairs in my middle finger. It had a welt for 3 days and was swollen for 2 weeks.

The hundreds(I've aquascaped A LOT of tanks) of stings I've had normally just go away in a day or two. You'd think I'd be smart enough to buy gloves, but I'm not. It gives me something else to complain about.
Bristleworms, at least to me, seem to become more beautiful the larger they get. They develop a metallic irridescence of blues and greens that isn't visible when they are smaller. Also, the larger they get, the more secretive they seem to become.