Big shoutout to MYREEFCLUB0070!!


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I went out of town over the holidays to see my family in Kansas City. We left on 12/23. The morning of 12/24 there was a huge lightning storm in Woodstock. When my stepdaughter got home (she did not come to KC with us) from working 3rd shift she noticed that the lights weren't on on the tank, I had instructed her to feed the fish and just keep an eye on things....She called me and we worked through things and found that nothing except the return pump was working. Lightning had taken out my Comcast modem and my Apex Base Module.

This is where Marlon comes in. Now, we were on a first name basis, I had been to his house to buy an item and been back since to check his setup out, seen him around town, etc. But I had never done a favor for him, or anything. But I did have his number in my phone so figured it was worth a shot (I was in Kentucky when I got the call, 7 hours away and about to make the second leg to KC for the holidays. I would be gone for 8 days). I called Marlon the morning of Christmas Eve. I explained the situation, and he immediately headed over to my house (he had never been there before). He examined everything, rewired everything off of the Apex, and back on standard surge protectors, after verifying the Apex was indeed dead. Got the heater, vortechs, skimmer, etc. all back to working. The lights were on the WXM, which was useless at this point. They needed to be reset, I didn't know how to reset them manually, Marlon had never messed with Radions before. I knew Comcast would have to replace the modem. So Marlon ran over to Creation and bought a Reeflink. A couple days later after internet was back up and Marlon had a game plan he went back over and installed and configured the Reeflink so I could access my vortechs and lights from my phone, where defined a schedule for everything.

Marlon, literally saved my tank! When we got home on New Years Day everything was great. My new Apex Base Module will be here today and I can start reconfiguring everything. I guess I will have to look into getting surge protectors for my network cables!

Again, Thank You! Marlon....You're a life saver!
Wow, way to go Marlon! Not the first time I heard a story like this involving him.
Couldn't have found a better person to help you in a pinch. :). Nice move Marlon.

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Marlon is the man! Not many people out there that would take the time on Christmas Eve to help some one out. That is pure class right there!
Its not the first time he has gone out of way to help so many others including myself. He's an amazing friend!
Wow! Nice move! The world needs more people like Marlon!

It's really good and important to have friends (or in this case, it wasn't even a friend) and a person of trusts and someone who will set his own things aside when others are in need.

Thanks Marlon for helping others.

Long ago I've watched a movie where the plot was an chain of favors, no one actually knew each other who they were helping... If someone knows the name please help me find it! It started with a guy running away from police because he have stolen a radio, going on the road an old woman driving stop next to him and she told him to hope in the car... (She was only returning a favor she had received time ago from someone else).
Marlon is awesome, true. But wait till you get in a raffle with him....
wildernet;1066216 wrote: Marlon is awesome, true. But wait till you get in a raffle with him....

LOL. He is a rascal to deal with during raffles! :yes: But talk about paying it forward. This man lives his life like that everyday. I have been the beneficiary of his goodness on a couple of occasions. He is one of those you speak of who will give you the shirt off his back. Marlon, you are a blessed man and a blessing to others. The Big Guy is watching!! Many thanks from me.:yay::yay::yay::yay:
Everyone I've met through the club has been nice, but Marlon is the best! That's why he's the first guy I called last week when I wanted to quickly give away a fairly new but leaky 300 gallon DD tank, stand, canopy (when the wife demanded it gone ASAP). Marineland already refunded the money so we weren't worried about that, and I figured, who better to offer it to.. a super nice, generous guy who likes building/repairing stuff!

Marlon wanted it at first, but instead directed me to another nice guy in the club who he said wanted it more and had a professional moving company at his disposal. Long story short, Marlon facilitated the speedy removal of a monster tank and everyone's happy (especially the wife ;)

Thanks again Marlon!